
< "10001" tname="乌索普" name="乌索普" "来

< "10001" tname="乌索普" name="乌索普" "来自西罗布村的长鼻子青年,被村子中的人们称作“骗人布”。虽然很胆小但是也很讲义气,梦想是成为能够独当一面的海上战士。
< "10002" tname="娜美" name="娜美" "之前由于阿龙的关系憎恨所有的海贼,后来在大家的帮助下将可可亚西村从阿龙的魔掌下拯救了出来。梦想是完成整个世界的海图,以及,获得全世界所有的财宝。
< "10003" tname="乔巴" name="乔巴" "一头有着青鼻子的驯鹿,吃了人人果实后受到驯鹿和人类双方的歧视,后来被朵丽儿医娘收养并被传授了精湛的医术。似乎是不会说谎的类型…
< "10004" tname="香吉士" name="香吉士" "来自海上餐厅的副厨师长,除了拥有能将一切食材做成美味食物的厨艺和传承于“赤足”哲夫的踢技,最大的弱点是对美女毫无抵抗力。另外,没有人知道他另外一只眼睛是长什么样子…"
< "10005" tname="妮可罗宾" name="妮可罗宾" "曾经吃下了“花花果实”而拥有了能让身体各处如花朵般绽放的能力。目标是要搜寻被政府掩埋的历史真相,儿时就被政府以7900万的高额赏金悬赏,如果作为敌人是相当可怕的存在。"
< "10006" tname="索隆" name="索隆" "在东海以“三刀流”闻名的剑士,一直将“鹰眼”作为目标而不断磨练着自己的剑术。似乎这一切都是来自小时候同伴的约定,弱点是某个与青梅竹马玩伴长相一模一样的女海军。"
< "10007" tname="路飞" name="路飞" "吃下了“橡胶果实”的少年,戴着“红发”香克斯送的草帽,同时还有着惊人的身世。经常会有一些让人摸不着头脑的行动,在政府的眼中也很头痛,大家都叫他“草帽”路飞。"
< "10008" tname="小丑巴基" name="小丑巴基" "吃下了“四分五裂”果实的小丑,虽然狂妄但是实力却不怎么样,虽然不被人当一回事但是运气却出奇的好,一直是十分搞笑的存在。不过据说他的来历非同小可…"
< "10009" tname="克洛船长" name="克洛船长" "隐藏在西罗布村中的阴险小人,原本是黑猫海贼团的船长。妄想夺取可雅的家产,好从海贼变为上流的贵族。看似文静其实有着超强的暗杀术“勺子”。
< "10010" tname="可雅" name="可雅" "体弱多病的可雅小姐,唯一的朋友就是乌索普。温柔善良但是内心坚定,在得知克洛的身份之后决心振作起来不再让乌索普为自己担心。"
< "10011" tname="霸主克里克" name="霸主克里克" "被人们称作“东海霸主”,实际上都是靠着阴险的手段和全身的黄金盔甲才走到这一步。进入伟大航道之后遭遇了“鹰眼”而狼狈得逃回了东海。" ="A015" 10011." ="1" ="2" ="9" ="7" ="174" "175" ="2200" ="270" ="7300" agile="5700" ="5700" ="146" ="114" ="114" ="73" ="57" ="57" ="1000" ="10000" ="200" ="200" ="19300" ="17100" ="17100" ="3900" ="3400" ="3400" ="210" ="160" ="160" ="50" ="5" Ics="20" ="2" ="2" ="2" ="1" ="7" ="/big_10011." ="3" ="1" ="" ="2|2500|152191" ="3|2500|153191" ="10011"/>
< "10012" tname="阿龙" name="阿龙" "剑鱼系鱼人,为人极度崇尚武力并有强烈的种族歧视,以娜美的故乡作为阿龙领域的巢穴对东海20个村庄进行武力统治,如果不是倒霉地惹上路飞,至少还能在东海逍遥法外好一阵子的。" ="A016" 10012." ="1" ="2" ="9" ="7" ="176" "177" ="3000" ="300" ="8200" agile="7000" ="5200" ="164" ="140" ="104" ="82" ="70" ="52" ="1000" ="10000" ="200" ="200" ="19300" ="17100" ="17100" ="3900" ="3400" ="3400" ="240" ="200" ="170" ="50" ="5" Ics="20" ="2" ="2" ="2" ="1" ="9" ="/big_10012." ="4" ="1" ="" ="1|2500|151191" ="5|2500|155191" ="10012"/>
< "10013" tname="达斯琪" name="达斯琪" "迷糊的眼镜妹,一直作为斯摩格的直属部下驻守在罗格镇,誓言要收齐所有被恶人夺去的名刀,因此一直缠着索隆让索隆无可奈何…" ="A017" 10013." ="1" ="2" ="9" ="7" ="178" "179" ="3800" ="320" ="8800" agile="7700" ="7100" ="176" ="154" ="142" ="88" ="77" ="71" ="1000" ="10000" ="200" ="200" ="22800" ="19200" ="14400" ="3600" ="3600" ="8400" ="260" ="250" ="210" ="50" ="5" Ics="20" ="2" ="2" ="2" ="1" ="10" ="/big_10013." ="5" ="1" ="23|1006220|1006440|1006560|1006240|1006230|1006220" ="3|2500|153191" ="5|2500|155191" ="10013"/>
< "10014" tname="斯摩格" name="斯摩格" "“烟雾果实”的能力者,总是叼着两支茄,常不听从上司的命令,但是对手下达斯琪还是很关心很细心的。拥有一辆以冒烟作推动力的水陆两用三轮摩托车“比隆阿摩托车”。" ="A018" 10014." ="1" ="2" ="9" ="7" ="180" "181" ="0|81005,999|0,999|0" ="4000" ="320" ="8600" agile="9400" ="7700" ="172" ="188" ="154" ="86" ="94" ="77" ="1000" ="10000" ="200" ="200" ="22000" ="24000" ="17400" ="6700" ="7700" ="5100" ="240" ="290" ="210" ="50" ="5" Ics="25" ="2" ="2" ="2" ="1" ="81005" ="11" ="/big_10014." ="1" ="" ="2|2500|152191" ="4|2500|154191" ="10014"/>
< "10015" tname="亚尔丽塔" name="亚尔丽塔" "吃下了“滑滑果实”后摇身一变为东海第一美女的亚尔丽塔,扬言要让路飞做她的男人。似乎变成美女之后更加自恋了。" ="A019" 10015." ="1" ="2" ="9" ="7" ="182" "183" ="0|81006,999|0,999|0" ="3200" ="300" ="7200" agile="5800" ="144" ="116" ="170" ="72" ="58" ="85" ="1000" ="10000" ="200" ="200" ="16000" ="11600" ="20400" ="4500" ="3400" ="6700" ="210" ="190" ="260" ="50" ="5" Ics="20" ="2" ="2" ="2" ="3" ="81006" ="9" ="/big_10015." ="4" ="1" ="" ="4|2500|154191" ="5|2500|155191" ="10015"/>
< "10016" tname="薇薇" name="薇薇" "虽然贵为阿拉巴斯坦王国的公主,但是没有一点千金小姐的脾气,相反的是从小就能为国家考虑。为了解救国家潜入巴洛克工作社查明真相,却因为被识破身份而陷入了危机之中…" ="A020" 10016." ="1" ="9" ="7" ="2000030" "2000040" ="3200" ="300" ="6600" agile="7700" ="8000" ="132" ="154" ="160" ="66" ="77" ="80" ="1000" ="10000" ="200" ="200" ="11600" ="12700" ="12700" ="2800" ="4500" ="4500" ="200" ="240" ="220" ="50" ="5" Ics="15" ="2" ="2" ="2" ="3" ="9" ="/big_10016." ="4" ="1" ="10|1006100|1006400|1006520|1006120|1006110|1006100" ="5|2500|155191" ="2|2500|152191" ="10016"/>
< "10017" tname="白胡子" name="白胡子" "世界最强,最接近海贼王的男人,曾和哥尔·D·罗杰战斗过,亦是最接近OnePiece的男人。在海军眼里被视之为“海之王者”。视手下为儿子,手下称之为老爹,有个小嗜好就是喜欢喝各地的名酒。" ="A001" 10017." ="1" ="2" ="9" ="7" ="186" "187" ="0|81007,999|0,999|0" ="10000" ="450" ="14100" agile="14100" ="14100" ="282" ="282" ="282" ="141" ="141" ="141" ="1000" ="10000" ="200" ="200" ="22000" ="22000" ="22000" ="8000" ="8000" ="8000" ="490" ="490" ="490" ="50" ="5" Ics="30" ="2" ="2" ="2" ="1" ="81007" ="23" ="/big_10017." ="1" ="" ="2|2500|152191" ="2|2500|152191" ="10017"/>
< "10018" tname="鹰眼" name="鹰眼" "世界最强剑士,全名:朱洛基尔米霍克,因为有双像鹰一样的锐利眼神,故名鹰眼。代表剑术的最高顶峰,是所有剑士的奋斗目标。现任七武海之一。" ="A002" 10018." ="1" ="2" ="9" ="7" ="188" "189" ="10000" ="450" ="14100" agile="14100" ="14100" ="282" ="282" ="282" ="141" ="141" ="141" ="1000" ="10000" ="200" ="200" ="22000" ="22000" ="22000" ="8000" ="8000" ="8000" ="490" ="490" ="490" ="50" ="5" Ics="30" ="2" ="2" ="2" ="1" ="23" ="/big_10018." ="1" ="" ="3|2500|153191" ="1|2500|151191" ="10018"/>
< "10019" tname="艾斯" name="艾斯" "“燃烧果实的能力者”,路飞的哥哥。总是戴一顶橘色的帽子,在帽子上有奸笑和难过这两种表情图案。同时还是白胡子海贼团第二队队长,实力超群,曾被邀请加入七武海。" ="A003" 10019." ="1" ="2" ="9" ="7" ="190" "191" ="0|81008,999|0,999|0" ="10000" ="450" ="14100" agile="14100" ="14100" ="282" ="282" ="282" ="141" ="141" ="141" ="1000" ="10000" ="200" ="200" ="22000" ="22000" ="22000" ="8000" ="8000" ="8000" ="490" ="490" ="490" ="50" ="5" Ics="30" ="2" ="2" ="2" ="1" ="81008" ="23" ="/big_10019." ="1" ="" ="1|2500|151191" ="3|2500|153191" ="10019"/>
< "10020" tname="青稚" name="青稚" "作为海军最高战力之一的大将青稚。身材高大,喜欢站着睡觉,骑着自行车跨越海洋。说话有时含糊不清。奇懒无比,简单的加减法都懒得计算。是非分明,但立场坚定,典型的外冷内热。" ="A004" 10020." ="1" ="2" ="9" ="7" ="192" "193" ="0|81009,999|0,999|0" ="10000" ="450" ="14100" agile="14100" ="14100" ="282" ="282" ="282" ="141" ="141" ="141" ="1000" ="10000" ="200" ="200" ="22000" ="22000" ="22000" ="8000" ="8000" ="8000" ="490" ="490" ="490" ="50" ="5" Ics="30" ="2" ="2" ="2" ="1" ="81009" ="23" ="/big_10020." ="1" ="" ="3|2500|153191" ="5|2500|155191" ="10020"/>
< "10021" tname="约基" name="约基" "巴伦海贼团团长,在多年前大海贼时代来临的时候,同许多海贼一样怀着对ONEPIECE的梦想带着自己的船员,还有一头可爱的小鲸鱼(至少当时还很小)来到了伟大航路。" ="B028" 10021." ="1" ="2" ="9" ="7" ="209" "210" ="2700" ="300" ="7000" agile="7900" ="5100" ="140" ="158" ="102" ="70" ="79" ="51" ="1000" ="10000" ="200" ="200" ="17100" ="20400" ="13800" ="4700" ="5600" ="3400" ="220" ="210" ="130" ="50" ="5" Ics="25" ="2" ="2" ="2" ="1" ="8" ="/big_10021." ="3" ="1" ="" ="5|2500|155191" ="2|2500|152191" ="10021"/>
< "10022" tname="肯特" name="肯特" "跟随杰克冒险多年的忠实船员,总是能在危机出现的时候保护大家。" ="B002" 10022." ="1" ="2" ="9" ="7" ="211" "212" ="2700" ="300" ="7200" agile="6600" ="6600" ="144" ="132" ="132" ="72" ="66" ="66" ="1000" ="10000" ="200" ="200" ="13800" ="14900" ="14900" ="7200" ="6700" ="6700" ="210" ="200" ="200" ="50" ="5" Ics="35" ="2" ="2" ="2" ="4" ="8" ="/big_10022." ="3" ="1" ="" ="2|2500|152191" ="5|2500|155191" ="10022"/>
< "10023" tname="莱娜" name="莱娜" "被亚尔丽塔连哄带骗加入亚尔丽塔海贼团的魔法少女,一直做着一些砍树之类的粗活,在遇到主角之后似乎找到了更好的靠山。" ="B003" 10023." ="1" ="2" ="9" ="7" ="214" "215" ="2700" ="300" ="6400" agile="5900" ="7900" ="128" ="118" ="158" ="64" ="59" ="79" ="1000" ="10000" ="200" ="200" ="16000" ="11600" ="20400" ="4500" ="3400" ="6700" ="190" ="180" ="230" ="50" ="5" Ics="20" ="2" ="2" ="2" ="3" ="8" ="/big_10023." ="3" ="1" ="" ="5|2500|155191" ="2|2500|152191" ="10023"/>
< "10024" tname="萨尤" name="萨尤" "来自小村庄的小女孩萨尤,一直坚信着父亲说的话,为了寻找制作宝石那最后1%的关键而与妹妹一起来到了海上。“制作宝石的方法,是一定存在的!”" ="B027" 10024." ="1" ="9" ="7" ="216" "217" ="3000" ="300" ="6800" agile="6000" ="8200" ="136" ="120" ="164" ="68" ="60" ="82" ="1000" ="10000" ="200" ="200" ="16000" ="11600" ="20400" ="4500" ="3400" ="6700" ="200" ="180" ="240" ="50" ="5" Ics="20" ="2" ="2" ="2" ="3" ="9" ="/big_10024." ="4" ="1" ="" ="5|2500|155191" ="4|2500|154191" ="10024"/>
< "10025" tname="铁棒亚尔丽塔" name="铁棒亚尔丽塔" "在东海科托岛一代盘踞的海贼,挥舞着巨大的铁棒,经常会伤到自己人。明明是一个又老又丑的
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< "10001" tname= "Usopp" name = "Usopp" "long nose from xiluobucun young people, were the people in the village known as" deceptive ". Although very shy but also very loyal, the dream is to be able to assume sole responsibility for sea Warrior. < "10002" tname= "NAMI" name = "NAMI" "before because of the Aaron hated all of one piece, then in everyone's help will be saved out of the clutches of the cocoa yaxicun from Aaron. Dream was to complete the charts across the world, as well as obtain all treasures in the world. < "10003" tname= "Chopper" name = "Chopper" "a blue nosed Reindeer, after eating fruit for all discrimination of both humans and reindeer, and later adopted by Duo Li-Niang and superb medical skills are being taught. The type of lie is not going to ... < "10004" tname= more "cheese" name= "sweet custard" and "sous chef from the restaurant at sea, but has all the ingredients to make delicious food cooking and passing in the" barefoot "play techniques Tetsuo, the biggest weakness of beauty had no resistance. In addition, no one knows what his other eye is like ... " < "10005" tname= "Niko Robin" name = "Niko Robin" "ever ate" flower fruits "have bloomed capacity throughout the body. Goal is to search for historical truth buried by the Government, was a hefty bounty reward to 79 million by the Government, if the enemy is pretty terrible. " < "10006" tname= "Sauron" name = "Sauron" "in the East China Sea with" three streams "famous swordsmen," eagle eye "as a goal and continued to hone his swordsmanship. Seems to be that everything is agreed from childhood companion, weakness was a childhood Playmate and identical looking women Navy. " < "10007" tname= "Luffy" name = "Luffy", "eat" fruit of rubber "teenager, wearing a" red hair "send sweet fucks a straw hat, and an amazing story. Often there will be some people scratching their heads, in the eyes of the Government is a headache, we all call him "straw hat" Luffy. " < "10008" tname= "Bucky the clown" name = "Bucky the clown" and "eating the" fragmented "clown of the fruit, while the arrogant but has a bad power, although no one seriously but surprisingly good luck is always very funny. However it is said that he came to be serious ... " < "10009" tname= "Crowe master" name = "Captain Crowe" "hidden in the Western village of Rob's cock, was the captain of the black cat pirates. Imagine they'll seize ya family, well from one piece to the upper class aristocracy. Seems quiet in fact have a strong assassination technique "spoon". < "10010" tname= "ya" name= "ya" and "frail miss ya, the only friend is Usopp. Gentle but firm, that Crowe, who is determined to cheer up Usopp no longer fear for themselves. " < "10011" tname= "Overlord Crick" name = "Overlord Crick" and "to be called" East China Sea hegemony ", are in fact against the insidious means and all of Golden armor to come this far. After entering the great waterway had suffered "eagle eye" and mess had to flee back to the East China Sea. " ="A015" 10011." ="1" ="2" ="9" ="7" ="174" "175" ="2200" ="270" ="7300" agile="5700" ="5700" ="146" ="114" ="114" ="73" ="57" ="57" ="1000" ="10000" ="200" ="200" ="19300" ="17100" ="17100" = "3900" ="3400" ="3400" ="210" ="160" ="160" ="50" ="5" Ics="20" ="2" ="2" ="2" ="1" ="7" ="/big_10011." ="3" ="1" ="" ="2|2500|152191" ="3|2500|153191" ="10011"/> < "10012" tname= "long" name = "Aaron" and "sword fish fish people, advocating the use of force and have a strong sense of racial discrimination, hometown of the NAMI as a-long nests on the East China Sea in 20 villages in the area of the rule of force, if not bad way to fly, still at large in the East China Sea for a while at least. " ="A016" 10012." ="1" ="2" ="9" ="7" ="176" "177" ="3000" ="300" ="8200" agile="7000" ="5200" ="164" ="140" ="104" ="82" ="70" ="52" ="1000" ="10000" ="200" ="200" ="19300" ="17100" ="17100" = "3900" ="3400" ="3400" ="240" ="200" ="170" ="50" ="5" Ics="20" ="2" ="2" ="2" ="1" ="9" ="/big_10012." ="4" ="1" ="" ="1|2500|151191" ="5|2500|155191" ="10012"/> < "10013" tname= "qi" name = "qi," "err in glasses has been as directly under the Ministry of the simoge garrison in Luo Gezhen, vowed to collect all the wicked took the knife, has been badgering Sauron was nothing ..."="A017"10013."="1"="2"="9"="7"="178""179"="3800"="320"="8800"agile="7700"= by Sauron "7100" ="176" ="154" ="142" ="88" ="77" ="71" ="1000" ="10000" ="200" ="200" ="22800" ="19200" ="14400" ="3600" ="3600" ="8400" ="260" ="250" ="210" ="50" ="5" Ics="20" ="2" ="2" ="2" ="1" ="10 " ="/big_10013." ="5" ="1" ="23|1006220|1006440|1006560|1006240|1006230|1006220" ="3|2500|153191" ="5|2500|155191" ="10013"/> < "10014" tname= "simoge" name = "simoge" "" smoke fruit "ability, always two eggplant, often do not follow the boss's orders, but his dasiqi is still very concerned about very carefully. Having a smoke of the driving force for amphibious three-wheeled motorcycle "Billund motorcycle." " ="A018" 10014." ="1" ="2" ="9" ="7" ="180" "181" ="0|81005,999|0,999|0" ="4000" ="320" ="8600" agile="9400" ="7700" ="172" ="188" ="154" ="86" ="94" ="77" ="1000" ="10000" ="200" ="200" =" 22000" ="24000" ="17400" ="6700" ="7700" ="5100" ="240" ="290" ="210" ="50" ="5" Ics="25" ="2" ="2" ="2" ="1" ="81005" ="11" ="/big_10014." ="1" ="" ="2|2500|152191" ="4|2500|154191" =" 10014"/> < "10015" tname= "yaerlita" name = "yaerlita" and "eat" the slippery fruit "into the East China Sea after the first beauty yaerlita, threatened to fly her man to make way. Seems to be more narcissistic after beauty. " ="A019" 10015." ="1" ="2" ="9" ="7" ="182" "183" ="0|81006,999|0,999|0" ="3200" ="300" ="7200" agile="5800" ="144" ="116" ="170" ="72" ="58" ="85" ="1000" ="10000" ="200" ="200" ="16000" =" 11600" ="20400" ="4500" ="3400" ="6700" ="210" ="190" ="260" ="50" ="5" Ics="20" ="2" ="2" ="2" ="3" ="81006" ="9" ="/big_10015." ="4" ="1" ="" ="4|2500|154191" ="5|2500|155191" ="10015"/ > < "10016" tname= "Viv" name = "Vivian" "though expensive for the Princess of alabastan Kingdom, but without a temper of the daughter, and instead grew up as a national taken into account. In order to save the country social truth into the Baroque, is in crisis because of being recognized identity ..."="A020"10016."="1"="9"="7"="2000030""2000040"="3200"="300"="6600"agile="7700"="8000"="132"="154"="160"="66"="77"="80"="1000"=" 10000" ="200" ="200" ="11600" ="12700" ="12700" ="2800" ="4500" ="4500" ="200" ="240" ="220" ="50" ="5" Ics="15" ="2" ="2" ="2" ="3" ="9" ="/big_10016." ="4" ="1" ="10|1006100|1006400| 1006520|1006120|1006110|1006100" ="5|2500|155191" ="2|2500|152191" ="10016"/> < "10017" tname= "white beard" name = "white beard", "the world's best, the man closest to the King of the pirates, he and Gore · D Roger fight, also is the closest to OnePiece's men. In the eyes of the Navy was regarded as "the King of the sea". His son, men called Torre, have a little hobby is like drinking wine around. " ="A001" 10017." ="1" ="2" ="9" ="7" ="186" "187" ="0|81007,999|0,999|0" ="10000" ="450" ="14100" agile="14100" ="14100" ="282" ="282" ="282" ="141" ="141" ="141" ="1000" ="10000" ="200" =" 200" ="22000" ="22000" ="22000" ="8000" ="8000" ="8000" ="490" ="490" ="490" ="50" ="5" Ics="30" ="2" ="2" ="2" ="1" ="81007" ="23" ="/big_10017." ="1" ="" ="2|2500|152191" ="2|2500|152191" ="10017"/> < "10018" tname= "eagle eye" name= "eagle eye," "the world's best swordsman, name: zhuluojiermihuoke, has a pair of sharp eyes like an eagle, named eagle eye. On behalf of the highest pinnacle of swordplay, is the goal of all swordsmen. Now one of the seven seas. " ="A002" 10018." ="1" ="2" ="9" ="7" ="188" "189" ="10000" ="450" ="14100" agile="14100" ="14100" ="282" ="282" ="282" ="141" ="141" ="141" ="1000" ="10000" ="200" ="200" ="22000" ="22000" =" 22000" ="8000" ="8000" ="8000" ="490" ="490" ="490" ="50" ="5" Ics="30" ="2" ="2" ="2" ="1" ="23" ="/big_10018." ="1" ="" ="3|2500|153191" ="1|2500|151191" ="10018"/> < "10019" tname= "ACE" name = "ACE", "the ability to burn the fruits", and Luffy's older brother. Always wear an orange hat, smiles and sad on the hats these two expression patterns. Is also captain of the white beard pirates, II, superior strength, and was invited to join the seven-armed sea. " ="A003" 10019." ="1" ="2" ="9" ="7" ="190" "191" ="0|81008,999|0,999|0" ="10000" ="450" ="14100" agile="14100" ="14100" ="282" ="282" ="282" ="141" ="141" ="141" ="1000" ="10000" ="200" =" 200" ="22000" ="22000" ="22000" ="8000" ="8000" ="8000" ="490" ="490" ="490" ="50" ="5" Ics="30" ="2" ="2" ="2" ="1" ="81008" ="23" ="/big_10019." ="1" ="" ="1|2500|151191" ="3|2500|153191" ="10019"/> < "10020" tname= "juvenile green" name = "blue juvenile" "as the highest naval combat capability, one of the generals of qingzhi. The tall, likes to sleep standing up, rode a bike across the ocean. Talking is sometimes ambiguous. Singularly lazy, simple addition and subtraction are too lazy to calculate. White, but stands firm, typical of cold heat. " ="A004" 10020." ="1" ="2" ="9" ="7" ="192" "193" ="0|81009,999|0,999|0" ="10000" ="450" ="14100" agile="14100" ="14100" ="282" ="282" ="282" ="141" ="141" ="141" ="1000" ="10000" ="200" =" 200" ="22000" ="22000" ="22000" ="8000" ="8000" ="8000" ="490" ="490" ="490" ="50" ="5" Ics="30" ="2" ="2" ="2" ="1" ="81009" ="23" ="/big_10020." ="1" ="" ="3|2500|153191" ="5|2500|155191" ="10020"/> < "10021" tname= "base CA" name = "base CA" "head of Ba Lunhai thief, thieves of the sea many years ago when the times comes, like many Pirates with ONEPIECE dream with his crew, and a cute little whale (or at least was very small) came to the Grand line. " ="B028" 10021." ="1" ="2" ="9" ="7" ="209" "210" ="2700" ="300" ="7000" agile="7900" ="5100" ="140" ="158" ="102" ="70" ="79" ="51" ="1000" ="10000" ="200" ="200" ="17100" ="20400" ="13800" = "4700" ="5600" ="3400" ="220" ="210" ="130" ="50" ="5" Ics="25" ="2" ="2" ="2" ="1" ="8" ="/big_10021." ="3" ="1" ="" ="5|2500|155191" ="2|2500|152191" ="10021"/> < "10022" tname= "Kent" name = "Kent" and "follows Jack's loyal crew of adventure for many years, always protect you from crisis. " ="B002" 10022." ="1" ="2" ="9" ="7" ="211" "212" ="2700" ="300" ="7200" agile="6600" ="6600" ="144" ="132" ="132" ="72" ="66" ="66" ="1000" ="10000" ="200" ="200" ="13800" ="14900" ="14900" = "7200" ="6700" ="6700" ="210" ="200" ="200" ="50" ="5" Ics="35" ="2" ="2" ="2" ="4" ="8" ="/big_10022." ="3" ="1" ="" ="2|2500|152191" ="5|2500|155191" ="10022"/> < "10023" tname= "Lena" name = "Lena" "even cheated by yaerlita join yaerlitahai thief's magical girl, has been doing some menial work, such as cut trees, in the face after the protagonist seems to have found a better backer. " ="B003" 10023." ="1" ="2" ="9" ="7" ="214" "215" ="2700" ="300" ="6400" agile="5900" ="7900" ="128" ="118" ="158" ="64" ="59" ="79" ="1000" ="10000" ="200" ="200" ="16000" ="11600" ="20400" = "4500" ="3400" ="6700" ="190" ="180" ="230" ="50" ="5" Ics="20" ="2" ="2" ="2" ="3" ="8" ="/big_10023." ="3" ="1" ="" ="5|2500|155191" ="2|2500|152191" ="10023"/> < "10024" tname= "Saiu" name = "Saiu," "little girl from a small village in Saiu, have been convinced that his father said, in search of making gem the last 1% of the key together with the sister came to the sea. "Methods of making gem is definitely there! "" ="B027" 10024." ="1" ="9" ="7" ="216" "217" ="3000" ="300" ="6800" agile="6000" ="8200" ="136" ="120" ="164" ="68" ="60" ="82" ="1000" ="10000" ="200" ="200" ="16000" ="11600" ="20400" =" 4500" ="3400" ="6700" ="200" ="180" ="240" ="50" ="5" Ics="20" ="2" ="2" ="2" ="3" ="9" ="/big_10024." ="4" ="1" ="" ="5|2500|155191" ="4|2500|154191" ="10024"/> < "10025" tname= "bar yaerlita" name = "bar yaerlita" "in the donghaiketuo generation to occupy the island of pirates, waving a huge iron bar, often hurt their own people. Was an old and ugly
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<"10001" tname = "Thorpe" name = "Thorpe" "long nose西罗布youth from the village, the village people are referred to as" deceptive cloth. "Although very timid but very sense of obligation , the dream is to become able to work independently sea warrior.
<"10002" tname = "Nami" name = "Nami" "Before Aaron hatred because the relationship between all of the pirates, and later in the help of everyone from the village of cocoa Westerly Under the clutches of Aaron salvation out. Dream is to complete the world's charts, as well as to obtain all the wealth of the world.
<"10003" tname = "Joe" name = "Joe" "after a head with a blue nose reindeer, eat all the fruits of both reindeer and human being discriminatory, was later adoption duo Lai children and teach doctors Mother superb skills seems not lie type ...
<"10004" tname = "Sunkist" name = "Sunkist" "deputy chef from the restaurant's long sea, in addition to be able to have all the ingredients to make delicious food culinary and heritage in the "barefoot" Tetsuo's kicking skills, the biggest weakness is defenseless beauty. In addition, no one knows his other eye is look like ... "
<"10005" tname = "Nicole Robin" name = "Nicole Robin," "once bitten" Flower Fruit "and have to make the ability to bloom like flowers throughout the body. The goal is to search for the historical truth buried Government, childhood was the high government 79 million bounty reward, if, as the presence of the enemy is quite scary. "
<"10006" tname = "Sauron" name = "Sauron" "in the East China Sea to" Mito stream "famous swordsman, has been the" Eagle Eye "as a target and continue to hone his own sword. It all seems to come from the childhood companion of the agreement, the weakness is a childhood playmate and looks exactly the same female Navy. "
<"10007" tname = "Luffy" name = "Luffy" "eating the '' young, wearing a" rubber fruit red hair 'Shanks send the hat, along with the amazing life experience. Often there will be some confusing actions, in the eyes of the government is also a headache, we call him "straw hat" Luffy. "
<"10008" tname = "clown Bucky" name = "clown Bucky" "eating a" clown fruit apart ", although the strength is not arrogant but how, though not to be seriously but luck was surprisingly good, it has been a very funny exist. But he said he came from is no trivial matter ... "
<"10009" tname = "Crowe captain" name = "Crowe captain", "village hidden in西罗布sinister villain, originally black captain of pirates. Delusion seize possessions can be elegant, well upstream from pirates into nobility. In fact, the seemingly quiet and has a powerful assassination operation "spoon."
<"10010" tname = "Keya" name = "can be elegant," "frail may miss ya, the only friend is Thorpe. Gentle and kind but firm heart, after learning the identity of the Crow is no longer determined to cheer up Let Thorpe for his worry. "
<"10011" tname = "overlord Creek" name = "overlord Crick" "has been called the" East Sea hegemony ", actually means relying insidious and systemic Gold armor only come this far. After entering the great waterway suffered a "Hawkeye" and was embarrassed fled to the East China Sea. "=" A015 "10011." = "1" = "2" = "9" = "7 "=" 174 "" 175 "=" 2200 "=" 270 "=" 7300 "agile =" 5700 "=" 5700 "=" 146 "=" 114 "=" 114 "=" 73 "=" 57 "= "57" = "1000" = "10000" = "200" = "200" = "19300" = "17100" = "17100" = "3900" = "3400" = "3400" = "210" = "160 "=" 160 "=" 50 "=" 5 "Ics =" 20 "=" 2 "=" 2 "=" 2 "=" 1 "=" 7 "=" / big_10011. "=" 3 "=" 1 "=" "=" 2 | 2 500 | one hundred and fifty-two thousand one hundred ninety-one "=" 3 | two thousand five hundred | one hundred fifty-three thousand one hundred ninety-one "=" 10011 "/>
<"10012" tname = "Aaron" name = "Aaron" "swordfish fish department, and his extreme militancy and a strong racial discrimination, with the home as a nest Nami Aaron areas of the East China Sea 20 villages in the rule of force, if it is not bad to provoke the road to fly, but also in the East China Sea at least for a while of impunity. "=" A016 "10012." = "1" = "2" = "9" = "7" = "176" "177" = "3000" = "300" = "8200" agile = "7000" = " 5200 "=" 164 "=" 140 "=" 104 "=" 82 "=" 70 "=" 52 "=" 1000 "=" 10000 "=" 200 "=" 200 "=" 19300 "=" 17100 " = "17100" = "3900" = "3400" = "3400" = "240" = "200" = "170" = "50" = "5" Ics = "20" = "2" = "2" = "2" = "1" = "9" = "/ big_10012." = "4" = "1" = "" = "1 | 2500 | 151191" = "5 | 2500 | 155191" = "10012" />
<"10013" tname = "Dasi Qi" name = "Dasi Qi" "confused glasses sister, has served as the Si Moge's immediate subordinates stationed in the town Rogge vowed to receipt of all the wicked deprived of Mito, So let Sauron Sauron has been pestering helpless ... "=" A017 "10013." = "1" = "2" = "9" = "7" = "178" "179" = "3800" = "320" = "8800" agile = "7700" = "7100" = "176" = "154" = "142" = "88" = "77" = "71" = "1000" = "10000" = "200" = "200" = "22800" = "19200" = "14400" = "3600" = "3600" = "8400" = "260" = "250" = "210" = "50" = "5" Ics = " 20 "=" 2 "=" 2 "=" 2 "=" 1 "=" 10 "=" / big_10013 "=" 5 "=" 1 "=" 23 |. 1006220 | 1006440 | 1006560 | 1006240 | 1006230 | 1.00622 million "=" 3 | 2 500 | one hundred and fifty-three thousand one hundred ninety-one "=" 5 | two thousand five hundred | one hundred and fifty-five thousand one hundred and ninety-one "=" 10013 "/>
<"10014" tname = "Si Moge" name = "Si Moge" "" smoke fruit "capability person always dangling two eggplant, often do not obey superior orders, but is still very concerned about the opponent达斯琪very careful. We have a smoke as a driving force in amphibious three-wheeled motorcycle "Bilong A motorcycle." "=" A018 "10014." = "1" = "2" = "9" = "7" = "180" "181" = "0 | 81005,999 | 0,999 | 0" = "4000" = "320 "=" 8600 "agile =" 9400 "=" 7700 "=" 172 "=" 188 "=" 154 "=" 86 "=" 94 "=" 77 "=" 1000 "=" 10000 "=" 200 " = "200" = "22000" = "24000" = "17400" = "6700" = "7700" = "5100" = "240" = "290" = "210" = "50" = "5" Ics = "25" = "2" = "2" = "2" = "1" = "81005" = "11" = "/ big_10014." = "1" = "" = "2 | 2500 | 152191" = " 4 | 2 500 | 154191 "=" 10014 "/>
<"10015" tname = "Alvida" name = "Alvida", "eating a" slippery fruit "later transformed for the East Asia first beauty Er Lita, threatened to give way to fly to do her man seems to become more narcissistic after beauty. "=" A019 "10015." = "1" = "2" = "9" = "7" = "182 "" 183 "=" 0 | 81006,999 | 0,999 | 0 "=" 3200 "=" 300 "=" 7200 "agile =" 5800 "=" 144 "=" 116 "=" 170 "=" 72 "= "58" = "85" = "1000" = "10000" = "200" = "200" = "16000" = "11600" = "20400" = "4500" = "3400" = "6700" = "210 "=" 190 "=" 260 "=" 50 "=" 5 "Ics =" 20 "=" 2 "=" 2 "=" 2 "=" 3 "=" 81006 "=" 9 "=" / big_10015 . "=" 4 "=" 1 "=" "=" 4 | 2500 | 154 191 "=" 5 | 2,500 | 155,191 "=" 10015 "/>
<"10016" tname = "Vicki" name = "Vicki "" Though expensive for the Kingdom of Alabama Stan Princess, but not a little princess temper, contrary to what the country can be considered small. In order to save the country club to sneak into the Baroque work to establish the truth, but because they were caught in a see through identity crisis ... "=" A020 "10016." = "1" = "9" = "7" = "2000030" "2000040" = "3200" = "300" = "6600" agile = "7700" = "8000" = "132" = "154" = "160" = "66" = "77" = "80" = "1000" = "10000" = "200" = "200" = "11600" = "12700" = "12700" = "2800" = "4500" = "4500" = "200" = "240" = "220" = "50 "=" 5 "Ics =" 15 "=" 2 "=" 2 "=" 2 "=" 3 "=" 9 "=" / big_10016 "=" 4 "=" 1 "=" 10 |. 1006100 | 1,006,400 | 1.00652 million | 1,006,120 | 1,006,110 | 1.0061 million "=" 5 | 2,500 | 155,191 "=" 2 | 2 500 | one hundred fifty-two thousand one hundred ninety-one "=" 10016 "/>
<"10017" tname = "white beard" name = "white beard" "World the strongest, closest Piece of men, he and Gore · D · Roger fought, is also the closest OnePiece man. In the eyes of the Navy was regarded as "the king of the sea." Depending on the hands of his son, the men said of a father, a small hobby is like to drink wine all over. "=" A001 "10017." = "1" = "2" = "9" = "7" = "186" "187" = "0 | 81007,999 | 0,999 | 0 "=" 10000 "=" 450 "=" 14100 "agile =" 14100 "=" 14100 "=" 282 "=" 282 "=" 282 "=" 141 "=" 141 " = "141" = "1000" = "10000" = "200" = "200" = "22000" = "22000" = "22000" = "8000" = "8000" = "8000" = "490" = " 490 "=" 490 "=" 50 "=" 5 "Ics =" 30 "=" 2 "=" 2 "=" 2 "=" 1 "=" 81007 "=" 23 "=" / big_10017. "= "1" = "" = "2 | 2,500 | one hundred fifty-two thousand one hundred ninety-one" = "2 | 2 500 | one hundred and fifty-two thousand one hundred and ninety-one" = "10017" />
<"10018" tname = "Hawkeye" name = "Eagle Eye," "the world's strongest swordsman , full name: Zhu Rocky Snoqualmie Hawk, because a double sharp eyes like an eagle, named Hawkeye. Representative fencing highest peak, is the goal of all swordsmen. 任七武now one of the sea. "=" A002 "10018." = "1" = "2" = "9" = "7" = "188" "189" = "10000" = "450" ​​= "14100" agile = "14100" = " 14100 "=" 282 "=" 282 "=" 282 "=" 141 "=" 141 "=" 141 "=" 1000 "=" 10000 "=" 200 "=" 200 "=" 22000 "=" 22000 " = "22000" = "8000" = "8000" = "8000" = "490" = "490" = "490" = "50" = "5" Ics = "30" = "2" = "2" = "2" = "1" = "23" = "/ big_10018." = "1" = "" = "3 | two thousand five hundred | 153191" = "1 | 2 500 | one hundred fifty-one thousand one hundred ninety-one" = "10018" />
<"10019" tname = "Ice" name = "Ice" "" burning fruit ability person ", Luffy's brother always wore a orange hat on the hat smirking and sad expression pattern both at the same time or white Huzi Hai Pirates second captain, superior strength, had been invited to join the seven Wu Hai. "=" A003 "10019." = "1" = "2" = "9" = "7" = "190" " 191 "=" 0 | 81008,999 | 0,999 | 0 "=" 10000 "=" 450 "=" 14100 "agile =" 14100 "=" 14100 "=" 282 "=" 282 "=" 282 "=" 141 "=" 141 "=" 141 "=" 1000 "=" 10000 "=" 200 "=" 200 "=" 22000 "=" 22000 "=" 22000 "=" 8000 "=" 8000 "=" 8000 "= "490" = "490" = "490" = "50" = "5" Ics = "30" = "2" = "2" = "2" = "1" = "81008" = "23" = " / big_10019 "=" 1 "=" "=." 1 | 2.5 thousand | 151 191 "=" 3 | 2 500 | one hundred fifty-three thousand one hundred and ninety-one "=" 10019 "/>
<"10020" tname = "green juvenile" name = "green juvenile" " As a general naval combat power, one of the highest juvenile green. Tall, like sleep standing up, riding a bicycle across the ocean. Speak sometimes vague. Odd lazy incomparable, simple addition and subtraction are too lazy to calculate. Distinguish right from wrong, but stand firm, the typical Raisin. "=" A004 "10020." = "1" = "2" = "9" = "7" = "192" "193" = "0 | 81009,999 | 0,999 | 0" = "10000" = "450 "=" 14100 "agile =" 14100 "=" 14100 "=" 282 "=" 282 "=" 282 "=" 141 "=" 141 "=" 141 "=" 1000 "=" 10000 "=" 200 " = "200" = "22000" = "22000" = "22000" = "8000" = "8000" = "8000" = "490" = "490" = "490" = "50" = "5" Ics = "30" = "2" = "2" = "2" = "1" = "81009" = "23" = "/ big_10020." = "1" = "" = "3 | 2500 | 153191" = " 5 | 2 500 | one hundred fifty-five thousand one hundred ninety-one "=" 10020 "/>
<"10021" tname = "about group" name = "about group" "Head Barron pirates, many years ago, when the era of big pirates, with many sea With a thief to ONEPIECE dreams with his own crew, as well as a cute little whale (at least at that time still small) came to the great route. "=" B028 "10021." = "1" = "2" = "9" = "7" = "209" "210" = "2700" = "300" = "7000" agile = "7900" = "5100" = "140" = "158" = "102" = "70 "=" 79 "=" 51 "=" 1000 "=" 10000 "=" 200 "=" 200 "=" 17100 "=" 20400 "=" 13800 "=" 4700 "=" 5600 "=" 3400 "= "220" = "210" = "130" = "50" = "5" Ics = "25" = "2" = "2" = "2" = "1" = "8" = "/ big_10021." = "3" = "1" = "" = "5 | two thousand five hundred | 155191" = "2 | 2 500 | one hundred and fifty-two thousand one hundred ninety-one" = "10021" />
<"10022" tname = "Kent" name = "Kent" "Follow Jack Adventure years of loyal crew, always able to protect everyone in a crisis arises. "=" B002 "10022." = "1" = "2" = "9" = "7" = "211" "212" = "2700" = "300" = "7200" agile = "6600" = " 6600 "=" 144 "=" 132 "=" 132 "=" 72 "=" 66 "=" 66 "=" 1000 "=" 10000 "=" 200 "=" 200 "=" 13800 "=" 14900 " = "14900" = "7200" = "6700" = "6700" = "210" = "200" = "200" = "50" = "5" Ics = "35" = "2" = "2" = "2" = "4" = "8" = "/ big_10022." = "3" = "1" = "" = "2 | 2500 | 152191" = "5 | 2500 | 155191" = "10022" />
<"10023" tname = "Lena" name = "Lena" "being coaxed to join Alvida Alvida pirates magic girl, has been doing some menial jobs like cutting down trees, in After experiencing the protagonist seems to have found a better patron. "=" B003 "10023." = "1" = "2" = "9" = "7" = "214" "215" = "2700" = "300 "=" 6400 "agile =" 5900 "=" 7900 "=" 128 "=" 118 "=" 158 "=" 64 "=" 59 "=" 79 "=" 1000 "=" 10000 "=" 200 " = "200" = "16000" = "11600" = "20400" = "4500" = "3400" = "6700" = "190" = "180" = "230" = "50" = "5" Ics = "20" = "2" = "2" = "2" = "3" = "8" = "/ big_10023." = "3" = "1" = "" = "5 | 2500 | 155191" = " 2 | 2 500 | one hundred and fifty-two thousand one hundred and ninety-one "=" 10023 "/>
<"10024" tname = "Sayou" name = "Sayou" "little girl from a small village Sayou, have been convinced his father to say, in order to find gems that make The last 1% of critical and sea came together with his sister. "The method of production of gemstones, must exist!" "=" B027 "10024." = "1" = "9" = "7" = "216" "217" = "3000" = "300" = "6800 "agile =" 6000 "=" 8200 "=" 136 "=" 120 "=" 164 "=" 68 "=" 60 "=" 82 "=" 1000 "=" 10000 "=" 200 "=" 200 " = "16000" = "11600" = "20400" = "4500" = "3400" = "6700" = "200" = "180" = "240" = "50" = "5" Ics = "20" = "2" = "2" = "2" = "3" = "9" = "/ big_10024." = "4" = "1" = "" = "5 | 2500 | 155191" = "4 | 2500 | one hundred and fifty-four thousand one hundred and ninety-one "=" 10024 "/>
<"10025" tname = "iron rod Alvida" name = "iron rod Alvida" "In the East Hai Ketuo generation entrenched pirate island, waving a huge iron bar often hurt their own people. obviously it is an old and ugly
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< "10001" tname= "Usopp" name = "Usopp" "from the San Siro Bu Cun long nosed youth, in a village called" deceptive cloth. " Although very timid but also very loyal, the dream is to be able to take charge as chief of the sea warrior.
< 10002 tname= "Nami" name = "Nami" "before due to Aaron's relationship hate, all of the pirates. Later with the help of everyone will cocoyashi from the clutches of the Aaron saved. Dream is to complete the whole world of the chart, as well as to obtain all of the world's wealth.
"< 10003" tname= "Joe" name = "Joe" "a head has a green nose reindeer, eat all the fruit by reindeer and humans both discrimination and later by Doris medical Niang adoption and be taught the skill. It seems that it's not a lie...
< 10004 tname= "Sunkist" name = "Sunkist" from "restaurant of the sea side cook long, in addition to have all the ingredients to make delicious food cooking and inheritance in" barefoot "Tetsuo's kicking skills, the biggest weakness is to beauty without resistance. In addition, no one knows what his other eye is...
""< 10005" tname= "Nico robin" name = "Nico robin" "ever eat a flower fruit" and have to let throughout the body flower flower bloom. Goal is to search was buried by the government of the historical truth, childhood is government to 79 million high bounty reward, if as the enemy is pretty terrible existence. "
< 10006" tname= "Suo long" name = "Sauron" "in the East China Sea to the three blades flow" famous swordsman, has been "eagle eye" as the goal and continue to hone a his swordsmanship. It seems that all of this is from the time of the small partner agreement,Weakness is a playmate and female Navy said of boys and girls as like as two peas. "
< 10007 tname= Luffy" name = "road fly" and "eat" rubber "fruit of the boy, wearing a" red haired "shanks gave straw hat, at the same time also has the amazing story. Often there will be some let a person feel not act of the mind, in the eyes of the government is also a headache. Everyone called him a "hat" way to fly. "
< 10008" tname= "clown Bucky" name = "clown Bucky" and "eat" fragmented "fruit clown, although arrogant but strength is not like how, though it was not when one thing but luck is surprisingly good.Has been a very funny existence. But it is said that his story be no trivial matter... "
< 10009 tname= captain Crowe" name = "Crowe captain" and "hidden in the San Siro cloth Village sinister villain, originally is the captain of the black cat pirates. Keyak delusion captures fortune, from the pirates into upper nobility. Seemingly quiet actually has a super spoon "assassination operation".
< "10010" tname= "name=" elegance "elegance" and "sickly keyak miss, the only friend is Thorpe ukraine. Gentle kindness but inner firm, in the identity of Chloe after the determination to cheer up and not let the black Thorpe for their own fear.
""< 10011" tname= "overlord Creek" name = "overlord Creek" is known as "overlord of the East China Sea, in fact, are by underhand and systemic gold armor to go to this step. After entering the great channel encountered "Hawkeye" embarrassed and fled back to the East China sea. "=" A015 "10011"" "" "/>
10011" "3|2500|153191" "2|2500|152191" "" 3 "" Ics= 34, 34, 39 17100 17100 19300 "" "73", 175, 174 "=" 1 "=" 2 "=" 9 "=" 7 "=" "" "= 22 =" 270 "=" agile= 5700 = 5700 = 146 = "114" = "114" = "73" = "57" = "57" = "1" = "10000" = "200" = "200" = "" = "" = "" = "" = "" = "" = "210" = "160" = "160" = "50" = "5 2" = "2" = "2" = "2" = "1" = "7" = "/big_10011. /big_10011. = = = = = = < 10012 tname= Aaron name = Aaron" swordfish Fishman.For extreme advocates force and a strong sense of racial discrimination, in the hometown of Nami as Aaron nests of 20 villages in the East China Sea to the rule of force, if not bad catches on the road to fly, at least you can in the East China Sea with impunity for quite a while. "=" A016 "10012Qi "Darth" Qi "Darth" tname= 10013 "/>
10012" "5|2500|155191" "1|2500|151191" "" 4 "" Ics= 34, 34, 39 17100 17100 19300 "agile= 8200" = "1" = "2" = "9" = "7" = "176" 177 "=" 3000 "=" 300 "=" 7000 "=" 52 "=" 164 "=" 140 "=" 104 "=" 82 "=" 70 "=" 52 "=" 1 "=" 10000 "=" 200 "=" 200 "=" "=" "=" "=" "=" "=" "=" 240 "=" 200 "=" 170 "=" 50 "=" 5 2 "=" 2 "=" 2 "=" 2 "=" 1 "=" 9 "=" /big_10012. /big_10012. = = = = = = > "name =" "confused glasses sister.Has been as smokeer directly under the Ministry of stationed in the town of Jacques Rogge, vowed to collect together all killed by the wicked knife, so has been pestering Sauron let Sauron helpless... Agile= = 1, 179, 3800, 320, 8800, 77, 10000, 200, 22800, 19200, 8400, 260, 250, 3600, 14400, 3600, 210, 50, 5, 200, 20, 2, 1000, 71, 88, 142, 2, 2, 178, 10013, 2, 9, 7, 7700, 7100, 154, 176 = "1" = "10" = "/big_10013."=" 5 "=" 1 "=" 23|1006220|1006440|1006560|1006240|1006230|1006220 "=" 3|2500|153191 "=" 5|2500|155191 = 10013 "/>
< 10014 tname= smokeer" name = "smokeer" "" smoke "fruit of the ability, always smoking a two cigar, often do not listen to the boss's orders, but the opponent issued, Qi is still very concerned about very carefully. Have a smoke to move the amphibious tricycle, motorcycle "billund". "=" A018 "10014" = "1" = "2" = "9" = "7" = "180" = "0|81005999|0","/>
10014" "4|2500|154191" "2|2500|152191" /big_10014. 81005 "Ics= 290 6700 17400 24000 22000" 172 "77" "86" 320 "4000 999|0" = = = "agile= 9400 = = = 188" = "154" = "86" = "94" = "77" = "1" = "10000" = "200" = "200" = "" = "" = "" = "" = "77" = "5100" = "240" = "" = "210" = "50" = "5 of 25" = "2" = "2" = "2" = "1" = "" = "11" = 10014. "=" 1 "=" "= = =""< 10015" tname= "Alvida" name = "Alvida" "eat" slippery fruit backswing Alvida of East China Sea in the first beauty, threatened to let Luffy to be her man. Seems to become a beauty after more narcissism. "=" A019 "10015" = "1" = "2" = "9" = "7" = "182" = "0|81006999|0","" name = "" "/>
10015" "5|2500|155191" "4|2500|154191" "" 4 "" 81006 "Ics= 6700 3400 20400 11600 16000" 5800 "agile= 7200" 300 "3200 999|0" = = = "= 144 = 116" = "170" = "72" = "58" = "85" = "1" = "10000" = "200" = "200" = "" = "" = "" = "45" = "" = "" = "210" = "190" = "260" = "50" = "5 2" = "2" = "2" = "2" = "3" = "" = "9" = /big_10015. /big_10015. = = = = = = > "10016 tname= vivi vivi" although expensive for O Rabastan kingdom of the princess.But not a little princess temperament, is the opposite of a child can think for the country. In order to save the country into the Baroque work agency to find out the truth, but because be found identity in crisis... "=" A020 "10016"" "" "" "" "" "Ics= 12700 12700 11600" 7700 "agile= 6600 3200 2000040 2000030" = "1" = "9" = "7" = "" "" = "" = "300" = "= 80" = "132" = "154" = "160" = "66" = "77" = "80" = "1" = "10000" = "200" = "200" = "" = "" = "" = "28" = "45" = "45" = "200" = "240" = "220" = "50" = "5", and 15 "=" 2 "=" 2 "=" 2 "=" 3 "=" 9 "=" /big_10016. /big_10016. = 4 = = 10|1006100|1006400|1006520|1006120|1006110| 1006100 = 5|2500|155191 = 2|2500|152191 = 10016 />
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