合同编号/Contract No.: YGCKX35151009028-B签订日期:2015年10月21日Date of signing:  dịch - 合同编号/Contract No.: YGCKX35151009028-B签订日期:2015年10月21日Date of signing:  Anh làm thế nào để nói

合同编号/Contract No.: YGCKX35151009028

合同编号/Contract No.: YGCKX35151009028-B
Date of signing: October 21, 2015


We, the Seller, hereby agree to sell to the Buyer, and the Buyer, hereby agrees to purchase the material hereinafter described upon the terms and conditions hereinafter stated:
1. 商品名称:热轧合金盘圆。
Name of Commodity: Hot rolled alloyed steel wire rods.
2. 材质:SAE1008Cr加铬符合标准 ASTM A510-2006。
Grade: SAE1008Cr, chromium added, in accordance with ASTM A510-2006.
3. 质保书:按工厂标准。
Mill Test Certificate:As per mill’s standard.
4. 卷重:1.5-2.5吨。
Coil Weight: 1.5-2.5MT.
5. 尺寸、材质、单价、数量、金额 / Size,Grade, Price, Amount:
SAE1008Cr 6.5 280 1350 378,000.00 ORANGE AND WHITE
SAE1008Cr 8 280 650 182,000.00
SUM 2000 560,000.00
总重量:2000公吨(总量溢短装 totally -10/+10%,单规格溢短装-10/+10%)
Total Quantity : 2000 MT (total tolarence -10/+10%,tolerance per size-10/+10%)
Total Amount: USD560,000.00 (-10/+10% at Seller’s option) Say in U.S. DOLLARS five hundred sixty thousand ONLY.
6. 发货方式: CFR FO 越南胡志明港,引用术语符合国际贸易术语解释通则2010。
Term of Delivery: CFR FO Hochiminh City Port, Vietnam, as per INCOTERMS 2010
7. 最晚船期: 2015年11月20日。
Latest date of Shipment: On or before November 20, 2015.
8. 发货标记: 按照工厂标准。
Shipping mark: As per mill’s standard.
9. 装货港: 中国北方任意港口。
Loading Port: Any port in north China.
10. 到货港:越南胡志明港。
Destination: Hochiminh City Port, Vietnam.
11. 货源地:中华人民共和国五矿营口中板有限责任公司
12. 付款方式: 买方应通过买卖双方同意的银行,开出以卖方五矿营口中板有限责任公司为受益人的,100%合同金额不可撤销的,不可转让的即期信用证。信用证条款在得到卖方确认后方可开出。并且买方提前将信用证复印件传真到卖方。该信用证议付有效期为提单日后14天在议付行到期。本条款为合同的基本条款。
Terms of payment: The Buyer should open, with a bank to be accepted by the Seller and the Buyer, a 100% contract value, irrevocable and untransferable letter of credit at sight and/or UPAS LC 180 days after sight in favor of MINMETALS YINGKOU MEDIUM PLATE CO. LTD. L/C items should be confirmed by the Seller before opening. The Buyer is required to fax a copy of L/C application for the Seller’s approval. Documents to be presented to the negotiation bank within 14 days after B/L date. This clause is a fundamental term of this contract.
13. 开证日期:买方须在合同签订后2个工作日内开出信用证,逾期卖方有权撤销合同。
Date of L/C opening: The letter of credit at sight should be opened within 2 working days after the contract was signed. Otherwise, the Seller has the right to revoke this contract.
14. 单据:卖方提供如下文件:
Shipment documents: The Seller shall present the following document:
(1) 商业发票,一份正本两份副本;
Commercial invoice in three(3) originals
(2) 全套清洁已装船海运提单;
Full set of clean shipped on board Bill of lading made out to order of issuing bank, marked “Freight prepaid”, notify applicant with full address, showing name, address telephone no. of shipping agent in VIETNAM.
(3) 卖方出具的装箱清单要注明每个规格数量及总数量(包括件数,重量);
Packing List in three (3) originals issued by the Seller, showing the no. of coils, net weight, gross weight of each size and in total and color marking.
(4) 工厂检验证书;Mill test certificate;
对于需要更改提单内容或其它情况下,需要修改信用证内容的,申请人应尽早安排改证。船舶离港后,卖方一般不接受对受益人不利的信用证修改,相应的责任应由买方承担。Under the circumstances that the L/C needs to be amended due to BL content alternations or other conditions, the applicant should arrange the L/C amendment in the earliest manner. Generally, the seller does not accept the L/C amendments not in favor of beneficiary after the vessel departure date, correspondent responsibilities shall be borne by buyer.
15. 发票标准: 检斤交货。
Invoicing Weight: Actual Weight.
Packing: Mill’s standard export packing
16. 附加条件/Additional Conditions:
(1) 货物可采用散货运输。Shipment effected by break bulk vessel.
(2) 租船提单可接受。Charter party bills of lading are acceptable
(3) 允许分批装运,不允许转船。Partial shipment is allowed, transhipment is not allowed.
(4) 除发票和汇票以外,第三方单据可接受。
Third party documents are acceptable except invoice, packing list and draft.
(5) 卖方对在卸货港货物所需要的进口许可证,税收,关税,反倾销税等概不负责。
Seller will not be responsible for any import license, tax, duties, levies, antidumping duties etc. at discharge port.
(6) 买方应选择合适的保险品种对货物进行投保。卖方将不接受任何由于不当/错误的投保所引起的账户索赔。
Suitable insurance clause will be covered by the Buyer. The Seller will not entertain any claim on account of improper/wrong policy cover.
(7) 如果买方未能履行合同,卖方有权向买方收取不高于合同总值的5%作为违约金。反之亦然。
If Buyer failed to execute the contract, the Seller has the right to hold the Buyer responsible for up to max 5% of contract value as penalty for non-execution of the Contract and vice versa, If Seller failed to execute the contract, the Buyer has the right to hold the Seller responsible for up to max 5% of contract value as penalty for non-execution of the Contract.
(8) 产品质量要按照生产方的质量证书为准。如果买方对产品质量提出质疑,应在货物抵达目的港后30天之内发传真或电邮通知卖方,否则默认买方接受货物。卖方有权在接到通知30天内通过独立调查核实公司对货物质量进行进一步调查。
Quality in accordance with Producer’s Quality Certificate. Any claim by Buyer arising hereunder shall be notified to Seller by e-mail or facsimile within thirty (30) days after arrival of the relevant goods for quantity and 45 days for quality at the destination, otherwise, the goods shall be accepted by the Buyer. The Seller has the right, within 30 days after receipt of the notice, to verify allegation through an independent surveying company.
(9) 任何货物数量的短缺应由买方的保险公司或者承运人进行负责。卖方对此类货物短缺的损失索赔概不负责。
Any short of landing of coils to be settled by the Buyer’s insurance company and/or carrier. Seller shall not be responsible for such short landing claim.
(10) 卖方对在合约条件外所引起的任何额外费用概不负责。在卸货港所引发的任何和额外费用应由买方负责。
Seller shall not be responsible for any cost other than the contract delivery terms. For any additional cost incurred at discharge port to be for Buyer’s account.
(11) 根据国际贸易术语贸易条件,一旦货物在装货港越过船舷,风险立即由卖方转移到买方。然而货物所有权只有在卖方提交议付文件并且收到议付行全额付款后才可转交到买方。
The risk shall pass from the Seller to the Buyer as soon as the cargo crosses the ship’s rail at the port of loading in accordance to the INCOTERMS 2010 trade terms and the title to the cargo shall pass from the Seller to the Buyer only after the Seller has negotiated the documents and has received payment of the full invoice value of the cargo shipped from the negotiating bank.
(12) 卖方保证所有材料符合合同要求。本合同不包含任何超越合同要求本身的其它明示或暗示的保证。Seller warrants that all materials conform to contract specifications. There are no other warranties, express or implied, which extend beyond the specifications contained in this contract.
(13) 卖方在任何情况下,都不承担由本合同下货物所引起的任何间接/非直接损失。例如买方的生产损失、停产、维修费或其它的间接损失。如果中方政府对目前出口退税和税率进行调整,卖方和买方应再次协商本合同,并根据协商结果对合同进行履行。但由于买方原因导致船期延误,买方应承担浮动的100%(以FOB价格计算),本合同价格则相应调整。如果卖方原因导致船期延误,卖方应承担浮动的100%(以FOB价格计算)。买方保证合同价格不受泰国反倾销的影响。
The Seller shall, under no circumstances, be held liable for any indirect/consequential losses of Buyer such as loss of production, stoppage of production, maintenance charges or any other indirect losses incurred from the contracted goods. If the Chinese government makes adjustment at present tax rebate for export, the Seller and the Buyer should carry on the consultation once more to this contract, and carry out this contract according to consulting result. If the Buyer postpone the latest date of shipment, the Buyer should be responsible for 100% of Seller’s increased cost caused by tax rebate adjustment (cost will be calculated based on FOB price), and final price listed in this contract needs to be adjusted accordingly. If the Seller postpone the latest date of shipment, the Seller should be responsible for 100% the increased cost caused by tax rebate adjustment (cost will be calculated based on FOB price). The buyer should ensure the contract price is not affected by the anti-dumping.
(14) 仲裁:本合同的管辖法律应为中华人民共和国法律。任何由本合同所引起的纠纷,包括它是否存在,有效力以及终止,将通过友好协商加以解决。如果没有能够达成和解,争议案件应当提交到中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会进行仲裁,仲裁地:北京。由仲裁委员会所作出的决定将被视为最终决定,对双方均有约束力。仲裁费用应由失败方负责,除非仲裁委员会另有约定。仲裁应用汉语执行。
Arbitration:The governing law of this contract shall be the law of SINGAPORE. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this contract, including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination, will be settled by friendly negotiation. If no settlement can be reached, the case in dispute shall be submitted for arbitration to THE SINGAPORE International Arbitration Centre (SIAC). The decision made by the said Commission shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties. The
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Contract number/Contract No.: YGCKX35151009028-BDate: October 21, 2015Date of signing: October 21, 2015THE SELLER: MINMETALS YINGKOU MEDIUM PLATE CO., LTD.ADDRESS: LAOBIAN DISTRICT, YINGKOU, LIAONING, P.R.CTHE BUYER: VINA ONE STEEL MANUFACTURING CORPORATION.ADDRESS: VOI LA HAMLET, LONG HIEP VILLAGE, BEN LUC DISTRICT, LONG AN PROVINCE, VIETNAMWe the undersigned agree that purchases by the buyer and the seller agrees to sell the following goods, and signed contract in accordance with the following provisions:We, the Seller, hereby agree to sell to the Buyer, and the Buyer, hereby agrees to purchase the material hereinafter described upon the terms and conditions hereinafter stated:1. product: hot-rolled alloy coil.Name of Commodity: Hot rolled alloyed steel wire rods.2. material: SAE1008Cr plus chromium standard ASTM A510-2006.Grade: SAE1008Cr, chromium added, in accordance with ASTM A510-2006.3. warranty: factory standards.Mill Test Certificate:As per mill's standard.4. volume: 1.5-2.5 tons.Coil Weight: 1.5-2.5MT.5. the dimensions, materials, unit price, quantity, amount/Size,Grade, Price, Amount: GRADE SIZE UNIT PRICE QUANTITY AMOUNT COLOR D(MM) (USD/MT) (MT) (USD) MARKSAE1008Cr 6.5 280 1350 378,000.00 ORANGE AND WHITESAE1008Cr 8 280 650 182,000.00 SUM 2000 560,000.00 /Attention:0.4% ≥ Cr ≥ 0.3% Total weight: 2000 metric tons (total tolerance/+10%, specification of overload or -10/+10%)Total Quantity : 2000 MT (total tolarence -10/+10%,tolerance per size-10/+10%)Total value: $ 560,000.00 (commodity price fluctuations not exceeding -10/+10%) uppercase Wu picked up $ Continental Nations.Total Amount: USD560,000.00 (-10/+10% at Seller's option) Say in U.S. DOLLARS five hundred sixty thousand ONLY.6. delivery mode: CFR FO Viet Nam Ho Chi Minh Hong Kong, reference terms in accordance with Incoterms 2010.Term of Delivery: CFR FO Hochiminh City Port, Vietnam, as per INCOTERMS 20107. the latest sailing schedule: November 20, 2015.Latest date of Shipment: On or before November 20, 2015.8. shipping mark: according to factory standards.Shipping mark: As per mill's standard.9. loading port: any port in North China.Loading Port: Any port in north China.10. arrival in Hong Kong: Viet Nam Ho Chi Minh Hong Kong.Destination: Hochiminh City Port, Vietnam.11. source: People's Republic of China Minmetals Yingkou medium plate limited liability companyOrigin: MINMETALS YINGKOU MEDIUM PLATE CO., LTD., P.R.C.12. payment: buyer shall be agreed by and between the Bank and open seller Minmetals Yingkou medium plate in favor of a limited liability company, 100% contract value is irrevocable and nontransferable, irrevocable. Credit terms are confirmed on the offer by the seller. Will fax the copy of the letter of credit in advance to the seller and the buyer. Which is valid for 14 days after date of Bill of lading letter of credit negotiation negotiation expires. The terms for the basic terms of the contract.Terms of payment: The Buyer should open, with a bank to be accepted by the Seller and the Buyer, a 100% contract value, irrevocable and untransferable letter of credit at sight and/or UPAS LC 180 days after sight in favor of MINMETALS YINGKOU MEDIUM PLATE CO. LTD. L/C items should be confirmed by the Seller before opening. The Buyer is required to fax a copy of L/C application for the Seller's approval. Documents to be presented to the negotiation bank within 14 days after B/L date. This clause is a fundamental term of this contract.13. date of opening: buyer shall credit within 2 business days after the contract is signed, if the seller has the right to cancel the contract.Date of L/C opening: The letter of credit at sight should be opened within 2 working days after the contract was signed. Otherwise, the Seller has the right to revoke this contract.14. documents: the seller to provide the following documents:Shipment documents: The Seller shall present the following document:(1) a commercial invoice, one original and two copies;Commercial invoice in three(3) originals (2) a full set of clean on board ocean Bill of lading;Full set of clean shipped on board Bill of lading made out to order of issuing bank, marked "Freight prepaid", notify applicant with full address, showing name, address telephone no. of shipping agent in VIETNAM.(3) packing list issued by the seller to indicate the quantity and the total quantity for each spec (including the number, weight);Packing List in three (3) originals issued by the Seller, showing the no. of coils, net weight, gross weight of each size and in total and color marking.(4) factory inspection certificate; Mill test certificate;Need to change the content of the Bill of lading or other circumstances, you need to modify the content of the letter of credit, the applicant should plan their change. After the ship left Hong Kong, the seller against the beneficiary of the letter of credit amendments would be unacceptable, the responsibility should be borne by the buyer. Under the circumstances that the L/C needs to be amended due to BL content alternations or other conditions, the applicant should arrange the L/C amendment in the earliest manner. Generally, the seller does not accept the L/C amendments not in favor of beneficiary after the vessel departure date, correspondent responsibilities shall be borne by buyer.15. invoice standard: weighing the delivery.Invoicing Weight: Actual Weight.Packing: Mill's standard export packing 16. additional conditions/Additional Conditions:(1) goods using bulk cargo transport. Shipment effected by break bulk vessel.(2) the Charter Party Bill of lading are acceptable. Charter party bills of lading are acceptable(3) allow partial shipment and transshipment are not allowed. Partial shipment is allowed, transhipment is not allowed.(4) except invoice and draft other than third party documents are acceptable.Third party documents are acceptable except invoice, packing list and draft.(5) the seller for imports at the port of discharge operations necessary to license, tax, tariffs, anti-dumping duties is not responsible for.Seller will not be responsible for any import license, tax, duties, levies, antidumping duties etc. at discharge port.(6) the buyer should choose the right kind of insurance to insure the goods. The seller will not accept any improper/incorrect account arising from insurance claims.Suitable insurance clause will be covered by the Buyer. The Seller will not entertain any claim on account of improper/wrong policy cover.(7) if the buyer fails to perform the contract, the seller has the right to 5% not greater than the total value of the contract will be charged to the buyer as liquidated damages. And vice versa.If Buyer failed to execute the contract, the Seller has the right to hold the Buyer responsible for up to max 5% of contract value as penalty for non-execution of the Contract and vice versa, If Seller failed to execute the contract, the Buyer has the right to hold the Seller responsible for up to max 5% of contract value as penalty for non-execution of the Contract.(8) products according to production quality certificate of quality shall prevail. If the buyer challenged the product quality should be made within 30 days after arrival of the goods at destination fax or email the seller otherwise defaults buyer's acceptance of goods. Seller is entitled to 30 days ' notice by independent investigation to verify the company's goods to carry out further investigations.Quality in accordance with Producer's Quality Certificate. Any claim by Buyer arising hereunder shall be notified to Seller by e-mail or facsimile within thirty (30) days after arrival of the relevant goods for quantity and 45 days for quality at the destination, otherwise, the goods shall be accepted by the Buyer. The Seller has the right, within 30 days after receipt of the notice, to verify allegation through an independent surveying company.(9) any quantity of goods shortage should be responsible for the insurance companies, or by the buyer to the carrier. Such shortages of goods in the seller shall not be liable for the claim for loss.Any short of landing of coils to be settled by the Buyer's insurance company and/or carrier. Seller shall not be responsible for such short landing claim.(10) the seller shall not be liable for any additional costs arising from the conditions of the contract. At the port of discharge triggered by any additional costs shall be borne by the buyer.Seller shall not be responsible for any cost other than the contract delivery terms. For any additional cost incurred at discharge port to be for Buyer's account.(11) according to the Incoterms trade terms, once at the port of loading of the goods across the ship's rail, risk transfer from the seller to the buyer immediately. However, title to the goods only if the seller negotiated document and you receive full payment negotiation before they can be transferred to the buyer.The risk shall pass from the Seller to the Buyer as soon as the cargo crosses the ship's rail at the port of loading in accordance to the INCOTERMS 2010 trade terms and the title to the cargo shall pass from the Seller to the Buyer only after the Seller has negotiated the documents and has received payment of the full invoice value of the cargo shipped from the negotiating bank.(12) the Seller warrants that all materials comply with the requirements of the contract. This contract does not contain any requirements are other express or implied warranties. Seller warrants that all materials conform to contract specifications. There are no other warranties, express or implied, which extend beyond the specifications contained in this contract.(13) the seller in any case, are not borne by the goods under the contract arising from any direct/indirect losses. Such as the buyer's loss of production, production, maintenance or other indirect losses. If the Chinese Government on the current export tax rebates and tax adjustments, the seller and the buyer should renegotiate the contract, and as a result, to fulfil the contract. Cause shipment delay due to the buyer, the buyer shall bear the 100% float (in FOB prices), the contract price adjusted accordingly. If it causes delays in shipment by the seller, the seller shall bear the 100% floating (FOB price). Buyer to secure the contract price from Thailand impact of anti-dumping.The Seller shall, under no circumstances, be held liable for any indirect/consequential losses of Buyer such as loss of production, stoppage of production, maintenance charges or any other indirect losses incurred from the contracted goods. If the Chinese government makes adjustment at present tax rebate for export, the Seller and the Buyer should carry on the consultation once more to this contract, and carry out this contract according to consulting result. If the Buyer postpone the latest date of shipment, the Buyer should be responsible for 100% of Seller's increased cost caused by tax rebate adjustment (cost will be calculated based on FOB price), and final price listed in this contract needs to be adjusted accordingly. If the Seller postpone the latest date of shipment, the Seller should be responsible for 100% the increased cost caused by tax rebate adjustment (cost will be calculated based on FOB price). The buyer should ensure the contract price is not affected by the anti-dumping.(14) Arbitration: this contract is the governing law for People's Republic of China law. Any disputes arising from this contract, including its existence, effective and termination will be settled through friendly negotiation. If there is no settlement can be reached, disputes shall be submitted to China international economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration, the arbitration: Beijing. By the decision of the Arbitration Committee will be considered final and binding for both. Failed the responsibility for costs of arbitration, unless otherwise agreed by the Arbitration Committee. Chinese arbitration application execution.Arbitration:The governing law of this contract shall be the law of SINGAPORE. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this contract, including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination, will be settled by friendly negotiation. If no settlement can be reached, the case in dispute shall be submitted for arbitration to THE SINGAPORE International Arbitration Centre (SIAC). The decision made by the said Commission shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties. The
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Contract Number / Contract No .: YGCKX35151009028-B
signed Date: October 21, 2015
Date of Signing: October 21, 2015 THE SELLER: MINMETALS YINGKOU MEDIUM PLATE CO, LTD.. ADDRESS: LAOBIAN DISTRICT, YINGKOU, TECHNOLOGY, PRC THE BUYER: VINA ONE STEEL MANUFACTURING CORPORATION. ADDRESS: VOI LA HAMLET, LONG HIEP VILLAGE, BEN LUC DISTRICT, LONG AN PROVINCE, VIETNAM hereby agreed by the buyer and seller, the purchase by the buyer by the seller to sell the goods, according to the following terms of contract : We, the Seller, HEREBY Agree to Sell to the Buyer, and the Buyer, the Material Purchase HEREBY agrees to the terms and conditions herein contained Described upon conditions herein contained Stated Conditions: 1. Product Name: Hot-rolled alloy plate round. Name of Commodity: Hot rolled alloyed Steel Wire Rods. 2. Material: SAE1008Cr plus chromium standard ASTM A510-2006. Grade: SAE1008Cr, chromium added, in Accordance with ASTM A510-2006. 3. warranty book: Press plant standards. Mill Test Certificate:. As per Mill's Standard 4. Coil weight: 1.5-2.5 tons. Coil Weight:. 1.5-2.5MT 5. size, material, price, quantity, amount / Size, Grade, Price, Amount: GRADE SIZE QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT COLOR D (MM) (USD / MT) (MT) (USD) MARK SAE1008Cr 6.5 280 1350 378,000.00 ORANGE AND WHITE SAE1008Cr 8 280 650 182,000.00 560,000.00 SUM 2000 Note /Attention:0.4%≥Cr≥0.3% Total weight: 2,000 metric tons (total amount more or less totally -10 / + 10%, more or less single specification -10 / + 10%) Total Quantity: 2000 MT (Total tolarence -10 / + 10%, Tolerance per size-10 / + 10%) Total Value: US $ 560,000.00 (Total minus must not exceed -10 / + 10%) capitalized Fifty entire land ten thousand US dollars. Total Amount: USD560,000.00 (-10 / + 10% at Seller's option) Say in US DOLLARS ONLY Five Hundred Sixty thousand. 6. Delivery: CFR FO port of Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam, citing the terms in line with international Incoterms 2010. Term of Delivery: CFR FO Hochiminh City Port, Vietnam, as per INCOTERMS 2010 7. Latest Sailing: November 20, 2015. Latest Date of Shipment: On or before November 20, 2015. 8. Delivery mark: according to factory standards. Shipping Mark:. As per Mill's Standard 9. Loading port: any port in northern China. Loading Port:. Any Port in north China 10. Arrival Port: Vietnam Ho Chi Minh Hong Kong. Destination: Port Hochiminh City, Vietnam. 11. sources in: People's Republic of China Minmetals Yingkou Medium Plate Co., Ltd Origin: MINMETALS YINGKOU MEDIUM PLATE CO, LTD, PRC.. 12. Payment: The buyer should the buyer and seller agree by bank , out to the seller Minmetals Yingkou Medium Plate Co., Ltd. as the beneficiary of 100% of the contract amount irrevocable, non-transferable letter of credit at sight. In terms of the credit to get out of the seller only after confirmation. And a copy of the letter of credit the buyer in advance by fax to the seller. The letter of credit negotiation is valid for 14 days after the expiration of lading in the negotiating bank. The terms of the basic terms of the contract. Terms of payment: The Buyer should open, with a bank to be accepted by the Seller and the Buyer, a 100% contract value, irrevocable and untransferable letter of credit at sight and / or UPAS LC 180 days after sight in favor of MINMETALS YINGKOU MEDIUM PLATE CO. LTD. L / C items should be confirmed by the Seller before opening. The Buyer is required to fax a copy of L / C application for the Seller's approval. Documents to be presented to the negotiation bank within 14 days after B / L Date This clause is a Fundamental Term of this Contract.. 13. Issuing Date: Purchaser shall open a letter of credit in two working days after the contract is signed, the seller is entitled to withdraw from the contract overdue. Date of L / C Opening:. The Letter of Credit at Sight SHOULD be opened Within 2 Working days after the Contract was Signed Otherwise, the Seller has the right to revoke this Contract. 14. documents: the seller to provide the following documents: Shipment Documents: Following the Seller Shall Present the document: (1) commercial invoice, one original and two copies; Commercial Invoice in Three (3) Originals (2) Full set of clean on board ocean bills of lading; Full set of Clean shipped on board Bill of Lading made out to Order of Issuing Bank, marked "Freight prepaid", Notify Applicant with Full address, Showing name, address Telephone no. of Shipping agent in VIETNAM. (3) packing list issued by the seller to indicate the quantity of each specification and The total number (including the number, weight); Packing List in Three (3) Originals Issued by the Seller, Showing the no of Coils, net weight, Gross weight of each size and in Total and color Marking.. (4) factory inspection certificate ; Mill test certificate; the need to change the bill of lading or other cases, you need to modify the content of the letter of credit, the applicant should arrange an early change cards. After the ship leaves port, the seller generally do not accept credit beneficiaries adverse changes corresponding responsibilities borne by the buyer. Under the circumstances that the L / C needs to be amended due to BL content alternations or other conditions, the applicant should arrange the L / C amendment in the earliest manner. Generally, the seller does not accept the L / C amendments not in favor of beneficiary after the Vessel Departure Date, correspondent Responsibilities Shall be borne by Buyer. 15. Invoice Standard: check jin delivery. Invoicing Weight: Actual Weight. Packing: Mill's Standard export packing 16. Additional conditions / Additional Conditions: (1) may be bulk cargo transport. Shipment effected by Bulk Vessel break. (2) charter of lading acceptable. Charter party are Acceptable Bills of Lading (3) allow partial shipment allowed transshipment. Partial Shipment is allowed, transhipment is not allowed. (4) In addition to invoices and bills of exchange, third party document is acceptable. Third party except Acceptable Documents are Invoice, packing List and Draft. (5) The seller is not responsible for the import licenses required for the port of unloading cargo, taxes, tariffs, anti-dumping tax. Seller Will not be Responsible for any Import license, Tax, Duties, Levies, Duties antidumping etc. at Discharge Port. (6) The purchaser shall select the appropriate insurance products to insure the goods. The seller will not accept any account claims due to improper / errors caused by the insured. Suitable Insurance clause Will be Covered by the Buyer. The Seller Will not Entertain any Claim on account of improper / Wrong cover policy. (7) If the buyer fails to fulfill the contract, the seller is entitled to charge the buyer is not higher than the total value of the contract 5 % as penalty. vice versa. If Buyer failed to execute the contract, the Seller has the right to hold the Buyer responsible for up to max 5% of contract value as penalty for non-execution of the Contract and vice versa, If Seller failed to execute the contract, the Buyer has the right to hold the Seller Responsible for up to max 5% of Contract value as Penalty for non-Execution of the Contract. (8) product quality should prevail in accordance with the quality certification of the production side. If the buyer of the product quality question, should be sent by fax or e-mail notice to the seller within 30 days after arrival of the goods the port of destination, otherwise the default buyer accepts the goods. The seller is entitled to 30 days' notice by an independent investigation to verify the quality of the goods the company for further investigation. Quality in accordance with Producer's Quality Certificate. Any claim by Buyer arising hereunder shall be notified to Seller by e-mail or facsimile within thirty (30) days after arrival of the relevant goods for quantity and 45 days for quality at the destination, otherwise, the Goods Shall be accepted by the Buyer. The Seller has the right, Within 30 days after Receipt of the Notice, to verify through an independent surveying Company allegation. (9) any shortfall quantity of goods by the purchaser of the insurance company or the carrier in charge. The seller of such a shortage of goods shall not be responsible for loss claims. Any Short of Landing of Coils to be settled by the Buyer's Insurance Company and / or carrier. Seller Shall not be Responsible for Short Landing SUCH Claim. (10) The seller of any additional costs arising outside the terms of the contract shall not be liable. And any additional costs arising from the port of discharge shall be responsible for the buyer. Seller Shall not be Responsible for any cost other than the Contract Delivery terms. For any Additional cost to be incurred in at Discharge Port for Buyer's account. (11) according to the terms of trade in international trade conditions, once the goods cross the ship's rail at the port of loading, the risk immediately transferred to the buyer by the seller. However, ownership of the goods only at the negotiating document submitted by the seller and after receipt of full payment before negotiating bank transferred to the buyer. The risk shall pass from the Seller to the Buyer as soon as the cargo crosses the ship's rail at the port of loading in accordance to the INCOTERMS 2010 trade terms and the title to the cargo shall pass from the Seller to the Buyer only after the Seller Negotiated has has Received the Documents and Invoice Full payment of the value of the Cargo shipped from the Negotiating Bank. (12) Seller warrants that all materials comply with contractual requirements. This contract does not contain any requirements of the contract itself beyond other express or implied. Seller Warrants Contract That All Materials conform to specifications. There are no other Warranties, Express or implied, Which Extend beyond the specifications Contained in this Contract. (13) The seller, in any case, be liable for any goods made ​​under this contract arising Indirect / non-direct losses. Such as production losses buyer, production, maintenance or other indirect losses. If the Chinese government on the current export tax rebates and tax adjustments, the seller and the buyer of the contract should be negotiated again, and based on the results of the consultation contract fulfillment. However, due to the buyer reason shipment delay, the buyer should bear 100% float (in FOB prices), the contract price will be adjusted accordingly. If the seller causes delays in shipment, the Seller shall bear 100% float (in FOB prices). The contract price from the buyer to ensure the impact of anti-dumping Thailand. The Seller shall, under no circumstances, be held liable for any indirect / consequential losses of Buyer such as loss of production, stoppage of production, maintenance charges or any other indirect losses incurred from the contracted goods. If the Chinese government makes adjustment at present tax rebate for export, the Seller and the Buyer should carry on the consultation once more to this contract, and carry out this contract according to consulting result. If the Buyer postpone the latest date of shipment, the Buyer should be responsible for 100% of Seller's increased cost caused by tax rebate adjustment (cost will be calculated based on FOB price), and final price listed in this contract needs to be adjusted accordingly. If the Seller postpone the latest date of shipment, the Seller should be responsible for 100% . the cost Caused by Increased Tax Rebate Adjustment (cost Will be Calculated based on FOB price) The Buyer SHOULD Ensure the Contract price is not affected by the Anti-dumping. (14) Arbitration: the law governing this contract as the People's Republic of China shall be law. Any contract caused by the dispute, including whether it exists, effective and termination, will be settled through friendly consultations. If you have not been able to reach a settlement, disputes shall be submitted to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, arbitration: Beijing. The decision made ​​by the Arbitration Commission will be considered final and binding on both parties. Arbitration fee shall be responsible for the failure, unless otherwise agreed by the Arbitration Commission. Chinese arbitration application execution. Arbitration:.. The governing law of this contract shall be the law of SINGAPORE Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this contract, including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination, will be settled by friendly negotiation If no settlement can be reached, the case in dispute shall be submitted for arbitration to THE SINGAPORE International Arbitration Centre (SIAC). The decision made ​​by the said Commission shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties. The

đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
No. YGCKX35151009028-B
: October 21, 2015 of signing: October


, is sold by the buyer and seller of the following goods,And according to the following provisions of the contract:
We, the seller, hereby agree to sell to the buyer, and the buyer, hereby agrees to purchase the material hereinafter described upon the terms and conditions II stated:
1. commodity name: hot rolled alloy coiled. Of Commodity: Hot rolled alloyed steel wire rods.
Name ASTM SAE1008Cr A510-2006. SAE1008Cr chromium, added
Grade,Accordance with ASTM A510-2006.
3. in. Test Certificate:As per mill s' standard.
Mill volume weight: 1.5-2.5 t. Weight: 1.5-2.5MT.
(MM) 378000 8280650182000
Coil AMOUNT D USD/MT SAE1008Cr MT 2000560000 AND Size WHITE
ORANGE USD 6.52801350 MARK
SAE1008Cr Price
SUM Amount:
GRADEThe total weight of the injection /Attention:0.4% is larger than or equal to that of the CR is more than or equal to 0.3%
: 2000 metric tons (total spill 10% of totally -10/ shorts, specifications for single overflow 10% more or less at -10/)
Total quantity: 2000 MT (total tolarence -10/ 10% and tolerance per size-10/ 10%)
total value: $560000 (the total price of the merchandise floating does not allow more than 10% of the -10/) capital Wu picked up Lu Wan $whole. Amount: USD560000.00 Say (-10/ 10% Seller at option s) in U.S. DOLLARS five hundred sixty thousand ONLY.
Total delivery mode:FO CFR Vietnam Hu Zhiming port, the terms of reference in line with the international trade terms of the interpretation of the general rule 2010.
Term of Delivery: CFR FO Hochiminh City Port, Vietnam as, per INCOTERMS 2010
7. the latest shipment: November 20, 2015. Date of Shipment: On or before November 2015.
8. 20,
Latest shipping marks: in accordance with the factory standard. Mark: As per mill s standard.
Shipping port of loading: any port in northern china. Port: Any port in North China.
Loading arrived in Hong Kong, Hu Zhiming, vietnam.
Hochiminh City Port Vietnam.
Origin: YINGKOU PLATE CO. Destination: MEDIUM LTD.,, P.R.C.
12. payment: the buyer should be approved by the seller and the buyer to the seller of the Minmetals Yingkou Medium Plate Co Ltd as the beneficiary of the 100% contract amount can not be revoked, irrevocable sight letter of credit. The terms of the L / C are to be opened after the confirmation of the seller. And the buyer will fax the letter of credit to the seller in advance.The L / C is valid for negotiation in the 14 days after the bill of lading. The terms of the contract are the basic terms of the contract. Of payment: The Buyer should open with, a bank to be accepted by the Seller and the Buyer contract, a 100% value irrevocable, and untransferable credit of sight at UPAS LC letter 180 after sight in and/or of favor MINMETALS YINGKOU days PLATE MEDIUM LTD. CO. items L/C be should by the Seller before confirmed opening.
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