文章【TFB/Karroy】恋爱时代miniewasophia:Diamond Heart:恋爱时代   ※完结重发   “王源根本是恋爱体 dịch - 文章【TFB/Karroy】恋爱时代miniewasophia:Diamond Heart:恋爱时代   ※完结重发   “王源根本是恋爱体 Anh làm thế nào để nói




Diamond Heart:







































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文章【TFB/Karroy】恋爱时代miniewasophia:Diamond Heart:恋爱时代 ※完结重发 “王源根本是恋爱体质的。”千总突然说,“他周围的空气太甜了,齁得慌。”千总在他们彼此静默四分钟之后这样说道,起初王俊凯还以为千总不过是在自言自语,当他从手机屏幕上抬起视线向前方确认,却发现千总正一本正经地看着他。 这太反常了。在王俊凯的记忆里,千总从来不会愿意对他说如上没有营养的话;他和千总的关系很微妙,十三四岁时尚未展露得这么明显,而随着年龄的增长,他越发感到千总与自己之间无法靠近又使人惬意的距离感,他们各自安于这种状态,谁也没有提出过异议,谁也没有丧失默契。 所以这太反常了,王俊凯又在脑海中想了一遍。但就算是一些无聊的话,只要是千总说的,总会有他的道理,因此他放下手机试图解读出千总向他传达的暗语。 随后他有些颓丧地哼了一声说“是啊”。他靠在沙发里,千总坐在房间另一头的椅子上,王源被喊去采访——做完这本杂志还有两档节目要赶,宣传期就是这么马不停蹄,他想起来昨天王源对他感叹好想放假,他朝王源头上拍下一记:“还有的忙就不错了,捧着你的饭碗吧。” 然后王源说:“可是我好想恋爱啊。” 这让他停了停,一时想不出可以损王源什么,趁他的表情还僵在脸上,他瞧见走在他和王源前边的千总转回身倒着走一面说:“朋友你心太野。”王源一把捞住千总的脖子,换一副东北腔:“大哥我就是这般野怎么招了。” 他看着眼前两个人扭打着跑开四五米,忍不住暗骂一记,傻。 王源说好想恋爱的时候,声音是黏着在一起的,他分明没有用心记,现在想起来倒极清晰。这句话他从王源嘴巴里听了不下七八遍,每年都有,而大多数的时间里王源都没能实现他这个渺小的梦想。到了这种时候,王源会说:“大哥,我是事业型的。” 当然,王源也谈过几场恋爱,风风火火轰轰烈烈的,现如今这些不足为外人道也的秘辛已被王源拿来当做综艺节目的谈资。 王俊凯能够想起一两个这样的场景:王源站在他的身边,或者是他们都坐着,如果是坐着的话,那么王源会一只手举着话筒,另一条胳膊支在大腿上,用手指撑起下巴,这样一来因为含胸,王源的肩膀会弯成一个不怎么明显的弧形,靠在椅背上的他能够清楚地看到王源用肩胛骨在衣服上刻出的两道线条;王源说他那点子感情的时候总是笑哈哈的,他会说“那时我就在想,也许这个就是青春”,也会说“这算什么,我还干过你更加意想不到的事”,而王俊凯盯着面前那道脊梁,每每以为这个人在说些什么了不起的英勇义举。 王源的脊梁骨总在生长,即使是他们已经二十五六岁的现在,王俊凯仍旧觉得王源每年都在长高,春天一来王源就会像是柳枝抽条一样偷偷地蹿高一两公分,王源比他高出了小半个头;过去他说王源像根竹竿,眼下里又高又瘦肩膀宽阔的王源更像是一块竹排,把他扔进河流之中,也会立马冒头漂浮上来。 王源长得比他还高,千总也长过了他们的预测,然而他自己却似乎在拔除第一颗智齿的那一天停止了生长。 王俊凯在大三那一年拔了那颗智齿,王源陪着他去,那时王源刚上大一,和他念同一所学校。王源被军训晒成了一条哈巴狗,基本不戴任何装备都没人能认出他是谁,不过出门的时候他还是爱戴一顶老旧的棒球帽,那顶帽子偏小,显得人头特别尖,王俊凯便一直嘲笑王源说他是削尖了脑袋才考上大学的。 总而言之,王俊凯被智齿摧残了两个礼拜,有天实在受不了便给王源发短信问他在干嘛,没一会儿王源就回给他:“坐吃等死呗大哥。”王源问他什么时候请他吃饭抚慰一下他受伤的心灵,他一下子没反应过来,忍着牙痛噼里啪啦打字:“了不得你才进学校就泡妹子。”结果王源一个电话打过来,劈头盖脸就是一声笑骂:“你开玩笑,我都黑成鬼了哪里泡得到。” “别说了,我请你吃面。”他说这句话的时候大着舌头,还抽了一声气,弄得他多少有些后悔按了接听键,他仍旧不太习惯在别人面前表现出脆弱,哪怕对方是王源。他啧了一声,用手指敲了敲自己的面颊:“五分钟,我在你楼下等你。” 王俊凯一下楼,就看到王源远远地朝他走过来,王源照旧戴着那顶棒球帽,遮住了他的脸,九月底的秋老虎威力惊人,热辣辣的阳光底下王源裸露在外的手臂皮肤现出一层金棕色,待他走近了,便能够看得见王源一字领领口露出的黑白界线。他刚想说点什么,嘴巴里那颗用力向外顶的智齿趁机发作痛得他只好闭上了嘴巴,只好听王源在那儿说:“大早上吃什么面?” 他们在下午四点才真正吃到了面,在一个医院附近的小面馆,天气太热面条把汤水吸干整碗面干巴巴的,王源坐在他对面哧溜哧溜吃面条,吃得大汗淋漓像是刚洗了个澡一样,他没有吃,到了店里王源问他“你吃吗”,他说“没胃口”,王源看了他一眼和店里师傅点了面跑出去买了条薄荷糖回来,王源气喘吁吁地把那条蓝色包装的糖丢进他的手里:“那你吃这个。”并且盯着他拆了糖纸往嘴巴里摆进一颗之后才肯动筷子。 王源一边吃一边含含糊糊地说:“谈个恋爱吧,老王。” “啊?”王俊凯的整条食道冰冰凉凉,身上却很热,他怀疑自己热出了幻觉,可惜下一秒王源用力吞咽下嘴里的东西,他看到王源滚动的喉结,也看到王源领口那片锁骨以下的发红皮肤,王源清了清嗓子,他说:“我说,去谈个恋爱吧,老王。” 王源放下了筷子,两只眼睛直直地看着他:“找个女朋友陪你拔牙吃面,谈个朋友吧。”说完他又笑了,用手背捋掉脖颈上淌着的汗水:“哦!当然你找我我也没意见撒,我只是说,你是不是要谈个恋爱了,这么好的青春时光,对不对?”说话的时候王源的眼睛笑眯眯的,弯起来衬在他那张黑魆魆的脸上显得傻里傻气的,笑着的王源似乎忘记了很多事情,比如他曾经说“谈个恋爱吧,Karry”,比如他回答说“没病吧你”。 他瞅了王源两三秒,最后咬碎了嘴里那块化了一大半的薄荷糖:“要你管撒。” 紧跟着他见王源做了个投降的手势,霎时心里顿了顿,想必自己又摆出了一张黑脸。王源还是一样怕他,这是他没想到过的;王源还是一样怕他,但这又使得他感觉良好,心生快意,随即对王源扯出一个不停歇的笑脸,甚至大声地抖落出一连串哈哈哈的音节。 王源总是畏惧他的,从很小的时候开始王俊凯就发现了,并且屡试不爽。只需他一记瞪视,王源便会慢慢退开、蹲下身子、把脸埋进布偶或者膝盖之间,显现出一副怂样,这很滑稽,又大可以说有些可爱,但他很长一段时间都无法弄清自己有哪里可怕——不,在此期间他问过王源一回:“干嘛吓成这样?”














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[TFB / Karroy] love era miniewasophia: Diamond Heart: Love era ※ end retransmission . "Wang Yuan is simply physical love" Thousands total suddenly said, "the air around him too sweet, snore and feel uncomfortable." Thousands of total so they said to each other after four minutes of silence, I thought at first王俊凯thousand of the total, but is in himself, when he lifted his gaze from the front of the phone screen to confirm that they found thousands of the total are gravely at him. This is so abnormal. In Wangjun Kai's memory, never willing to thousand of the total, he said as if no nutrition; he and thousands of the total relationship is very subtle, thirteen-year-old was showing off when not yet so obvious, but with age, the more he felt Thousands total between themselves and the people could not get close again pleasant sense of distance, their respective content with this state, no one has raised any objection, no one has lost understanding. So this is too unusual, and王俊凯they want it again in my mind. But even some silly words, as long as one thousand always said, always has his reasons, so he put down the phone trying to interpret the thousand of the total code word to convey to him. Then he snorted some depressed to say "yes ah." He leaned against the sofa, sitting on a chair thousand of the total end of the room, Wang Yuan was shouting to interview - done this magazine as well as two programs to catch, promotional period is so non-stop, he thought yesterday, Wang Yuan He laments really want to leave, he took a mind toward the source of the king: "There's busy on the good, holding your job right." Then the king source said:. "But I really want to love ah" It makes He paused, you can damage the king could not think of what the source, while his face still stiff in the face, he saw walking in front of him and the king source backwards thousand of the total turn back side, said: "Your heart is too wild friend . "Wang Yuan Laozhu a thousand of the total of the neck, for a pair of Northeast chamber:." Big Brother is so wild how I recruited, " he gazes scuffle with two men ran away forty-five meters, could not help but cursed a note, silly. Wang Yuan said miss love, the sound is mount together, he clearly is no intention in mind, and now think it is pretty very clear. He listened to these words from the mouth of the king source no less than seven times, every year, and most of the time, Wang Yuan failed to realize his dream of this small. To this time, Wang Yuan will say: "Brother, I was the cause of type." Of course, Wang Yuan also love to talk about a few games, catch vigorous, is now difficult for outsiders to have these secrets behind the king of the source has been used as talk variety show. Wang Junkai can think of one or two such scenes: Wang Yuan stood beside him, or they are sitting, if it is sitting, then the king of the source will be a hand holding a microphone, the other arm supported on the thighs, with your fingers chin propped up, this way because Han Xiong, Wang Yuan will shoulders bent a less obvious arc, leaning on his back on the can clearly see the king of the source with the scapula on clothes carve two lines ; Wang Yuan said his feelings when ideas are always laughing, he would say "I was thinking, maybe this is the youth" would say, "What is this, I have done you more unexpected thing ", while staring at the face of that road Wangjun Kai backbone, often thought this man was talking about what a great heroic deed. Wang Yuan of total spine growth, even if they've twenties now, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai still feel taller every year, spring will be like the one king sources like switchgrass secretly pumping a high jump two centimeters, Wang Yuan half a head higher than his small; in the past, he said Wang Yuan, like bamboo poles, now in tall, thin shoulders broad source is more like a raft king, he was thrown into the river, will immediately float up onto the scene. Wang Yuan was taller than he is, always has long had thousands of their predictions, but he seems at first wisdom tooth removal that day stopped growing. Wang Junkai junior year sinking wisdom teeth pulled, Wang Yuan accompanied him, when Wang Yuan just a freshman, and he read the same school. Wang Yuan was a military tan pug, basically do not wear any outfit nobody can recognize who he is, but he still loves to go out when the old wore a baseball cap, the hat is too small, it is particularly pointed head , has been ridiculed Wangjun Kai Wang Yuan said he was admitted to the University sharpened. All in all,王俊凯is wisdom devastated two weeks, one day it can not stand it to the king source texting asked him why, not for a while Wang Yuan went back to him:. "Sat with food to die chant brother" Wang Yuan asked him what time ask him what to eat to soothe his wounded soul, he suddenly did not react, endured pain crackling typing:. "You did not enter the school on the bubble sister," the result of a phone call came Wang Yuan, vocal is heard taunts: "You're kidding, I have black as a ghost and get to where bubble. " " Shut up, I ask you to eat noodles. "He said these words at a time when the tongue, but also a cry of gas pumping, which makes him somewhat regret pressing the answer key He is still not in the habit of appearing vulnerable in front of others, even if the other party is the king of the source. He tut loudly, knocked on his cheek with a finger:. "Five minutes, I'm waiting for you downstairs in you," Wang Junkai what floor, Wang Yuan far to see coming towards him, the king of the source as usual wearing that baseball hat, covered his face, hot autumn amazing power of the end of September, under the blazing sun king sources reveal bare skin layer of golden brown arm, when he approached, the king will be able to see the source collar neckline revealing black and white line. He was about to say something, mouth sinking roof forced out wisdom teeth had to take the opportunity to attack the pain he closed his mouth, had to listen to the king source there said: "The? Big face in the morning to eat what" they did in four p.m. really eat noodles, in a small noodle shop near the hospital, the weather is too hot noodle soup to suck dry the whole bowl, WANG Yuan-Chi Liu Chi Liu sat across from him eat noodles, eat sweating like just took a bath, he did not eat, to the source of the store and asked him king, "You eat it," he said, "no appetite", Wang Yuan looked at him and ran out of the store to buy the master ordered the strip surface mints back, Wang source gas blow to send the blue packaging sugar thrown his hands: "What do you eat this." He removed the wrappers and stared into their mouths before they agree to put into a Dongkuaizi after. Wang Yuan eat while vaguely said:. "Talk about a love it, Pharaoh" ? "ah"王俊凯the entire esophagus Ice cool, very hot body, he doubted himself out of the illusion of heat, but unfortunately the next Wang Yuan seconds swallowed hard stuff his mouth, he saw Adam's apple rolling Wang Yuan, Wang Yuan also saw red collar patch of skin below the collarbone, Wang Yuan cleared his throat, he said: "I said, to talk about a . Love it, Pharaoh, " Wang Yuan put down the chopsticks, eyes and looks at him:. "find a girlfriend to accompany you to eat tooth surface, talk about a friend of it." Then he laughed again, with the back stroke sweat dripping off his neck: "Oh! Of course, you find me, I have no opinion Caesar, I'm just saying, you are not going to talk about a love, and such a good youth time, right?" the king spoke source smiling eyes, curved lined up in his face goes black woo woo seem silly, Wang Yuan smiled and seemed to have forgotten a lot of things, such as he had said, "to talk about a love it, Karry", for example, he replied " did not you sick of it. " He look the king source twenty-three seconds, the last piece of chew in his mouth a half mints: "To you tube Caesar." He followed the king source made ​​a gesture of surrender, instant heart Dayton Dayton, presumably himself assumed a cop. Wang Yuan was like he was afraid, he did not think it was ever; Wang Yuan or fear him, but it also makes him feel good, Heart pleasure, then pulled a source for the king does not stop the smile, even loudly shaking falling out of a series of syllables ha ha ha. Wang Yuan always fear him, from the very young age Wangjun Kai discovered and tested. Just him a glare, Wang Yuan will slowly moved away, squat body, buried her face between his knees or puppets, like showing a pair of counseling, it is very funny, but they can say some lovely, But for a long time he could not figure out where they have terrible - no, in the meantime, he asked the king source one back: "Why be so scared?" Wang Yuan's hair is too thick, cut pile has not gone And because in the head between the pillow just looked up, looked shaggy hair clump, so he wanted to reach out and rub it more chaotic, but he did not reach out, he just stared at the king's left ear pinna redness source, asked: " ?? Why, oh I'm so scared it terrible, " "cut -" King of the source backs straight, erect, chin, he looks enough to make an expression called heroic, his eyes fell still piled laugh, "I will be afraid of you? Yes, I'm afraid! "So the king rushed Wang Junkai stand head and shot a couple of sources, over the hand addiction, called him a little proud, I do not know from where born out of pride. Then the king source screaming high octave Qiuniao shouted a few words, I was imprisoned bird you have forgotten how high the day, but also in the long term in the king changed the sound source sound tight, his laugh loudly again Lift arm. Wang Yuan too easily scared, afraid of their own in addition, he also afraid of the dark. Wang admitted that the source of his faith when he was not, until a sudden power outage once. The end of the entrance at the end of that summer after he made ​​a record eight songs, of which there are three after the first personal solo, three first hit three dance practice in full swing stage they have to run in several cities to do publicity, in the face under the original capital of the company they are like busy slaving away. As soon as he was busy working the campaign period, thousand of the total learning and his brother fled and ran back to Beijing, leaving a pool of mud paralysis became king source cried to him:. "Brother, I have not finished the job slightly" a few days Wang Yuan will Shumenshulu with questions of the presence of his family and bedroll, as if to take root in his home. When王俊凯sources such tucao king, the king source backed by his bed sat on the floor, he said he did want to sprout, and this time he was always aching, cramps at night also often, he said: "Pharaoh , maybe you really long, but I. " That night the king source will pay a terrible price for this sentence, he was cramp. Half awake王俊凯heard someone call him, he rolled over and turned to the bed. Because mora lose, he was sleeping on the floor, he said he was out of scissors, Wang Yuan said okay than you look on my part I am out of high veil, but the real punch he mysteriously fingers together grip out of a stone. Wang Yuan smile straight stamping, laughter to:. "You stupid ah you," Wang Yuan delighted he too lazy, and accept their fate lying on the floor on thin bedding. Wang Yuan bedtime so far as to explore, one hand stays in the nightstand, blinked at him say:. "Oh, you first do not turn off the lights, turn off the lights, I could not sleep," he grinned ridicule Wang Yuan, and Wang Yuan poured into the pillow muffled regiment. Wangjun Kai opened his eyes only to see another empty bed, black, and Wang Yuan low voice:. "You gave me a light chanting" He turned on the light to come back to sit down, rub two eyes only to see the king source a face wrinkled up. "Hey, I see you this is a calcium deficiency." He said as the leg side on the king by the two sources. Wang Yuan by sitting on the bed, did not look at him, mouth muttering "are pumping for several minutes, how do yo, I want to try any of the" King of the source of exaggerated acting to the extreme, Wang Junkai stop hand and said: "install, you pretend." Wang Yuan immediately turned to see him, filled with a whole face of "Where I installed", leaving no Biechu two pear rain crying tears. He was about to push the king of the source of the shoulder shot to play loose soil dregs of the other performances, Pata only heard a sound, the lights went out. Wang Yuan whole body winced, together piece by him under the palms by the tendons of the legs pumping, too, can be a source of a move himself king Youteng to not work, had a few words in my throat ouch. Air conditioning stopped functioning, 10 square meters room only to hear the sound of the exhaust Wang Yuan, Wang Yuan dark eyes bright, which must contain a lot of water, so always looked at the king王俊凯source floodlight

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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The age of love [TFB/Karroy]




era of love.

end retransmission "Wang Yuan is love constitution." A thousand of the total suddenly said, "the air around him is too sweet, very hungry." A thousand of the total in each other in silence for four minutes then said, Wang Junkai thought at first it was a thousand of the total but automatic speaking, when he raised his eyes from the mobile phone screen to the front to confirm, but found a thousand of the total is be poker-faced looked at him.

it was enormous. In memory of Wang Junkai, a thousand of the total never willing to say no to him as nutrition;The relationship between he and thousands of total very subtle, thirteen years old are not yet revealed so obvious, but the growth as the age, the more he felt a thousand and you cannot close and make people comfortable sense of distance, their respective content in this state, who has not raised any objection, who also did not lose the tacit understanding.

so it is abnormal, Wang Junkai thought over in my mind. But even some boring words, as long as the total said, always has his reasons, so he put the mobile phone trying to interpret a thousand of the total code words to convey to him.

he then some dejectedly snorted "yes". He leaned on the sofa,Thousands sat on the other side of the room chair, Wang Yuan was called to interview -- finished this magazine has two program to catch, publicity period is so make a hurried journey without stop, he thought the king he lamented miss yesterday on holiday, he gave Wang Yuantou a note: "have taken the busy is not wrong, hold your bowl."

and then Wang Yuan said: "but I want to love you."

that he stopped, he could not think what the king can damage the source, while his face was frozen on his face, he saw walking in front of him and the king source thousand total turn around and walk backwards side said: "the friend you heart too wild." Wang Yuanyi put the fish to live a thousand of the total,In a northeastern accent: "my brother is so wild and how."

he looked at the two men scuffled away four or five meters, could not help but dark scold a, stupid.

Wang Yuan said he wanted to fall in love, the sound is bound together, he has no intentions in mind, now think of it was very clear. These words from the mouth to the king his source of no less than seven or eight times, every year, and most of the time the king source failed to achieve his small dreams. At this time, Wang Yuanhui said: "brother, I is the cause of the."

and of course, Wang Yuan also talked about a love with vigour and vitality, be rash and too much in haste,Now these are the no need to let others know of Wang Yuan has been used as a variety show to talk about.

Wang Junkai can think of one or two such scene: Wang Yuan stood by his side, or are they all sit, if sitting, so Wang source will be a hand holding a microphone, another arm on the thigh, pointed chin up, in this way because the chest, Wang Yuan the shoulder will be bent into a less obvious arc, leaned back in his chair and he could clearly see the two line Wang Yuan used the scapula carved on the clothes; when Wang Yuan said that his ideas feelings always laughing, he would say, "I was thinking at that time,Perhaps this is the youth ", also said" this is what I have done, you beat all things ", while Wang Chun Kai staring at the front of the back, I think the man in what great heroic deeds.

King source backbone in growth, even if they have 25 years old now, Wang Junkai still think Wang Yuan every year to grow, one spring the king would like switchgrass pumping source as secretly jump up high one or two cm, Wang Yuanbi he is higher than half head; in the past he said Wang Yuan like a pole, and now in high and thin broad shoulders King source is more like a piece of bamboo, and threw him into the river,
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