偷香 正文 第 539 节 破碎时空
单飞, 卢洪, 石来听到如幽冥处传来的"单飞" 二字时, 均知道曹棺来了.
曹棺一定会来, 他既然约定单飞在此间相见, 如何会不来?
一定要除去郭嘉, 不然他此生难安, 但听到曹棺的声音突至的时候, 卢洪却是隐身暗处暂时未动.
他对曹棺真有难言的畏惧, 他准备看看形势再说.
曹棺能始终压他卢洪一头, 靠的不是姓曹, 而是真正的头脑.
单飞环望四周一眼, 不见曹棺的身影, 放弃了寻找曹棺的打算, 已然落在自鸣琴左近.
单飞微怔, 随即明白过来, 檀石冲, 荀奇这时候绝不会来送死, 黄堂, 吕布却已有了先除郭嘉的打算.
这些人更想知道如何能通过自鸣琴寻到云梦秘地, 他们希望通过他单飞找到去云梦秘地的通道.
单飞刹那间想到许多, 却做梦也没有想到过在他落足的时候, 自鸣琴忽然明耀的刺眼, 转瞬有股巨力从他腰后传来, 将他硬生生向自鸣琴相反的地方拉去.
是黄堂, 还是吕布阻挡他单飞接近自鸣琴?
那股巨力来的极为突然, 单飞根本没有任何防备, 身子不由自主的倒飞而出.
狂风, 惊雷, 怒火再加上一丝春色柳絮激荡个不休.
三人冲撞间, 郭嘉居然能翻身过了二人, 转瞬向单飞冲来.
早在郭嘉之前, 孙尚香及时出手, 一把抓住了单飞, 急声道: "怎么?"
孙尚香清清楚楚的看到没有任何人向单飞出手, 单飞这时候亦不会做戏迷惑旁人的耳目, 他蓦地现出这般异常, 难道和自鸣琴有什么关系?
单飞反手一探, 早将通灵镜取在手上, 急喝道: "尚香, 走开!"
自鸣琴上倏然分出一道红色的光华, 径直照在通灵镜上.
单飞神色异样, 他对孙尚香不是高声叱责, 而是紧张.
不是应和, 而是排斥!
方才就是他携带的通灵镜中突然传来了一股怪力, 将他硬生生的扯离了自鸣琴. 如果简单来形容, 就像磁铁同向相斥般.
不过自鸣琴和通灵镜之间的相斥比起寻常磁铁的同向相斥要强悍更多, 这才让他单飞忍不住的倒飞.
据葛夫人所言, 自鸣琴本是女修之物, 亦是女修和单鹏保持联络之物.
通灵镜是单家的利器, 亦是单家使用无间香的工具.
如此算来, 自鸣琴和通灵镜间不应是相吸吗?
单飞困惑不解, 但确定排斥力道是从通灵镜上传来后, 见自鸣琴和通灵镜之间有连接的光线, 如何敢让孙尚香上前?
他使用无间穿越时空都是提心吊胆的担心各种意外, 孙尚香若被通灵镜带走到另外的时空, 他无论如何都是弥补不回这个遗憾.
孙尚香看出单飞的凝重, 一颗心揪起来, 她知道无法帮助单飞, 飞身到了郭嘉近前.
自鸣琴的光华益发的明耀, 照众人神色各异.
郭嘉挡在单飞的身前, 手中的青丝曲折如意的盘旋, 居然将吕布, 黄堂的攻击尽数挡下.
黄堂急攻之下, 见逼退郭嘉如同移山般的艰难, 实在不知此子如何有这般韧性, 又从哪里习得这么高明的剑法?
那青丝曲折, 但已透着森森的剑意.
见孙尚香助阵, 黄堂忍不住喝道: "如仙, 等我们拼个两败俱伤后, 你有什么便宜可占?"
如仙飞身而至, 吩咐道: "杀了孙尚香!" 她的命令是向貂蝉等人所下, 自己却是亲持燕剪划向郭嘉!
单飞感觉到身后交战的惨烈, 却无暇理会.
曹棺的声音再次传来, "持通灵镜接近自鸣琴, 碎掉时空, 我会见你."
他在刹那间将通灵镜换了方向, 只盼能产生相吸的效应, 但前方的阻力丝毫没有减弱, 光柱几乎将他周身罩住, 他亦尝试持通灵镜迫近自鸣琴, 但在迈出一步后, 就感觉压力陡增.
若是半刻前, 单飞丝毫不觉得这任务有什么困难, 但如今只在迈出一步后就知道这几乎是不可能完成的任务.
长长的吸气, 单飞上前.
自鸣琴下的空间内, 有水波一样的波纹在荡漾.
旁人不解曹棺所言, 单飞却多少明白曹棺的意思, 他和曹棺之间差了十数年, 这种距离本不是任何世人能够拉近的.
他们拥有无间利器, 对宇宙空间的认知异常的高明.
单鹏经常使用无间香穿越时空, 他能和女修联系, 本来就是靠黄帝等人传下来的文明破解了时空的障碍.
他单飞如今就在用通灵镜去除他和曹棺之间相隔十数年的时间, 见到曹棺所在的空间?
再迈两步, 单飞面红耳赤, 那一刻就感觉手中的通灵镜重的和山岳仿佛, 不要说前行, 就让他托着都难.
单飞根本说不出话, 气息急转, 闷哼声中再进一步, 前方波纹动荡的更是激烈.
"单飞, 再走七步大约可以." 曹棺的声音是从自鸣琴下的空间传了过来, 益发的清晰.
有利刃破空而至, 檀石冲看出便宜, 早飞身抄起被单飞丢弃的火剑, 一剑斩来.
檀石冲选择的是单飞的侧面, 荀奇却想从光柱中穿过来将单飞刺杀.
黄堂等人对单飞的生死还有犹豫, 檀石冲, 荀奇二人若有选择, 绝对会考虑先杀单飞.
有新月明亮, 挡住了那本是必中的一剑, 孙尚香早在檀石冲冲来前杀退了刺客, 挡住了檀石冲的一剑, 还能迫开檀石冲.
不过她知道无暇追斩, 眼下当以守护单飞为第一要务, 本要转刀锋向荀奇斩去时. . .
蓦地狂吼一声, 荀奇怒喷鲜血, 从那光柱上如炮弹般弹射开来, 重重的撞在石壁上, 等落下来的时候, 已然奄奄一息.
没人去看荀奇, 所有人看着通灵镜和自鸣琴间连接的那道光柱, 极有畏惧之意.
"孙尚香, 去帮单飞." 郭嘉喝道.
孙尚香稍怔刹那, 随即回刀入鞘, 双掌推在单飞的背心之上. 她听到曹棺所言, 知道单飞只要再进七步一切都会有个答案.
事已至此, 他们本没有别的选择, 只能遵从曹棺的吩咐.
郭嘉既然这么吩咐, 就是要帮她和单飞扛下一切攻击.
奋力帮单飞向前迈进一步时, 孙尚香的嗓子发咸, 感觉自己心跳如鼓, 一口鲜血几乎要喷了出来.
她和单飞联手向前, 居然不过又进了一步? 第二步就和推动山岳般的艰难和无奈?
自鸣琴下的空间随即裂开一道缝隙, 其中似有桃花盛开, 露出了落叶缤纷的粉红之色.
单飞发现自己不但错开了空间, 还移动了时间?
曹棺和他同时间的并行操作, 如今应该也在冬季才对, 那如今曹棺所在之地怎么会是在春天?
不过他无暇去考虑这些细节, 只是在想着孙尚香在助他, 那郭嘉怎么办?
单飞竭力推动通灵镜向前时, 对如今局面却是了然.
黄堂, 吕布, 如仙再加上卢洪和那帮刺客. . . 檀石冲虽屡败在他单飞, 孙尚香的手上, 可绝非等闲之辈.
单飞, 孙尚香前行中均被光柱笼罩, 众人看到了荀奇的前车之鉴, 无论如何都是不能透过那光柱对单飞阻挠.
郭嘉挡在孙尚香身后, 亦是护住了单飞.
杀掉郭嘉, 才能控制单飞和孙尚香.
空中蓦地传来如狼嚎般的怒吼, 吕布久攻不下, 长戟旋转有如风车般的斩向郭嘉.
红色的丝带闪出, 倏然缠住了郭嘉手上的青丝.
高明的刺客和真正的高手般, 都能抓住那片刻的破绽.
他不但要抵抗住吕布, 黄堂的狂攻, 还要兼顾如仙的出手, 如仙看似出手轻柔无依, 可郭嘉宁可换上三个檀石冲, 也不希望再加上如仙.
全力下的郭嘉就会有了破绽, 貂蝉就抓住了那转瞬即逝的破绽, 制住了郭嘉手中的青丝剑.
众人尽皆看到便宜, 那一刻不知道有多少攻击向郭嘉涌来, 就算卢洪都是悍然冲来, 他虽是瞎了一只眼, 却益发的剽悍, 知道时机稍纵即逝. 错过了这次, 再杀郭嘉不知猴年马月.
如仙手持寒剪攻来时, 美眸中却闪过丝犹豫之色就这么杀了郭嘉? 郭嘉在这种要命的时刻, 除了脸色苍白外, 竟还没有半分退却的打算?
不但因为孙尚香, 单飞就在他的身后, 还因为无论他和单飞都知道如今这一刻等了许久, 再错过的话, 无论哪个再想重现都是绝无可能的事情.
有一道青雾倏然蒸腾而起帮郭嘉挡住了致命的攻击, 青雾再冲到郭嘉的身上. 借力后退, 郭嘉重重撞在了孙尚香的背心上, 居然将单飞, 孙尚香再向自鸣琴的方向推进了两步.
如仙眼中闪过丝不忍之意, 明光照耀下异常的黯淡.
青雾倏然分解化作了七道青丝, 明光耀, 七道青丝在明光下变幻着流离沧桑的七彩.
不是青丝, 是剑!
Stealing Beauty section No. 539 broken time Cao coffin called solo! Solo, Lu Hong, Ishiki hears as hell from the "solo" Word, Cao coffins, are known here. Cao coffin will come, since he has agreed to meet here solo, how not to? Did he get here? Cao coffins lie? Lu Hongben out to attack Guo Jia. Be sure to get rid of Guo Jia, or his life, but when I heard the sound of Cao coffin bursting to, Lu Hong is the invisible shadows do not move. Cao coffin, he really have an unspeakable fear, he is prepared to look at the situation here. Coffin has always been him Lu Hong Cao, not by TS, but to really mind. Solo looked around one eye, no coffin figure Cao, Cao gave up looking for the coffin, fell near Ming Kum. Sun shangxiang ensued. No one blocked. Solo slightly dazed, immediately understood, Tan Shi Chong, Xun Qi never came to die at this time, Huang Tang Lü has been the first removal of Guo Jia. These people want to know how, via Ming Kum find Yunmeng secret, Yunmeng they hope his solo found the secret passage. Only one fly can do it! Solo suddenly think of many, but never dreamed that his left foot when Ming Chin suddenly bright glare, Juli from the Flash unit after he heard his renditions to Ming Kum instead of local. How? Is Huang Tang, and Lü BU stopped him flying near Ming Kum? That kind of Juli very suddenly, solo no preparedness at all, can't help but fly out. People wonder. Air burst. The wind, Thunder, agitate anger coupled with a hint of spring in catkins endlessly. Collision between three people, Guo Jia was able to turn over the two men, coming soon to fly alone. Long before Guo Jia, Sun shangxiang timely shots, grabbed a solo, emergency channel: "what?" Sun shangxiang clearly saw no one solo shot, solo this time and will not show confuse other people's eyes and ears, he suddenly showed abnormalities, and Ming Kum had anything to do with it? Solo a backhand, and channeling early endoscopy in hand, anxious thundered: "the scent, go away!" Ming Kum shocked out on a red Sheen, and shines on the psychic mirror. Guanghua full water tank weight. Solo looks strange, his Sun shangxiang is not a loud tick, but nervous. Psychic mirror and Ming Kum had reacted. Not a voice, but excluded! Just was he channeling in the mirror suddenly there came a strange force, he abruptly pulled out of the Ming Kum. If a simple to describe, like magnets repel each other like in the same direction. However, Ming Kum and psychic mirror repulsion between powerful than ordinary magnets to repel each other more, that let him fly alone could not help but inverted flight. According to Ge Furen said, since Ming Kum Hong is a female thing is also something women keep in touch with Dan Peng. Psychic mirror is a single tool, tool also is home to excellent incense. By this measure, ringing piano and channeling between the mirrors should not attract you? How did that happened? Solo confused but determined after exclusion strength is coming from the psychic mirror, see Ming Kum and psychic mirror connection between light, how dare I make Sun shangxiang in the front? He used together across time and space is the fear of fear of accidents, Sun shangxiang is a psychic mirror away to another time and space, he is in any case make up the back with no regrets. Sun shangxiang see solo of dignified, a heart pulled up, she knew to help solo, flying to Guo Jia near. Torch out. Ming Kum brilliance more bright, as they look different. Guo Jia stand in front of the solo, hair in the hands of winding circle, Lu BU, Huang Tang attacks all blocked. Huang Tang under the acute attack, see backed Guo Jia as moving mountains of hard, really do not know how to have toughness, and where learn how sophisticated sword? Is a sword! Hair twists and turns, but reveals a killer sword. See support of Sun shangxiang, Huang Tang could not help but said: "If, after we fight each other, do you have anything cheaper?" Such as flying, and commanded: "kill Sun shangxiang!" she commands is under Xiang Diaochan, who herself is zoned to Guo Jia yan shear! Solo feel behind fighting fiercely, without notice. Cao coffin's voice again, "psychic mirror near Ming Kum, break time, I met you." Solo with a black face. He changed direction in an instant psychic mirror, we can only have the attraction effect, but resistance has continued unabated, and beam almost his whole body over, he will try to hold psychic mirror near Ming Kum, but after the step, pressure increased sharply. Coffin to keep him away from Cao Ming Kum? Before the half, fly alone does not find any difficulty in this task, but a step in only after know this almost impossible task. Long inhale and fly forward. Within the space of the self-Ming Kum, waves as ripples of ecstasy. Where time and space begin to produce a swirl! Broken time and space? Others don't understand Cao coffin said, solo but how many understand what Cao coffin mean, differences between he and Cao coffin more than a decade, which is not any man be able to close. Yellow Emperor guys! They have excellent weapon of abnormal perception of space wise. Dan Peng often use seamless incense through time and space, he can contact and women, civilization has always been passed down by the Yellow Emperor, who cracked the barriers of time and space. His solo in psychic mirror removal now he and Cao time coffin separated by more than a decade, see Cao coffin space? Two step again, flew argued, that moment feeling psychic mirror and mountains as if in the hands of, don't say go, leave him is difficult. Under Ming Kum circles of space is distorted. When can you start? Solo just say a Word and breath sharp, dull hum in the further, more corrugated turbulence ahead is fierce. "Solo, seven more steps around." Cao coffin's voice from space came under Ming Kum, more clear. Solo almost vomiting blood. Blades broke free, and Tan Shi Chong see cheap, early flying start to copy the sheets fly dropped the fire sword, a sword. On Xun Qi rolling. Tan Shi Chong selected the solo side of Xun Qi wanted to solo the beam to be assassinated. Kill flying! Huang Tang and others have hesitated about solo's life and death, and Tan Shi Chong, Xun Qi if two people have a choice, definitely think kill first solo flight. When the sound! New moon bright, block it was will's sword, Sun shangxiang fall long before the Tan stone ilovejun to kill the assassin, blocking the Tan Shi Chong's sword, Tan Shi Chong also forced open. But she knew time cut, when guardian solo for the first priority at the moment, when you want to turn the blade Xun Qi goes ... Xun Qi to the beam. Suddenly loud sound, Xun Qi wrath sprayed blood from ejection as the shells on the beam and hit the walls of hard, while waiting for the fall, is dying. No one went to see Xun Qi, everyone looked at psychic mirror and Ming Kum Road that connected the beam, there is a strong fear. The beam actually allowed? Inside bounce out? Ming Kum singular really show up until now! "Sun shangxiang, go solo." Guo Jia thundered. Sun shangxiang slightly dazed moment, then back to the sword into the sheath, palms pushed above the solo vest. Cao coffin, she says, know just fly into seven steps everything will have an answer. And then there were six steps. It's been done, they will have no choice, can only follow coffin told Cao. Guo Jia as so ordered, is to help her carry all under attack and solo. Struggling to help fly a step forward, Sun shangxiang salty throat, feeling your heart beat like a drum, blood sprayed out almost. She finally knew why flies are so painful. Cross the insurmountable natural moat in front! She and fly together to move forward, however, went a step further? And push the next step difficult mountainous and frustration? Since space then cracked a gap under the Ming Kum, which like the peach blossom in full bloom, revealing a colorful pink leaves of color. Solo finds himself not only staggering space, moving time? Cao coffin and his parallel operations, should now also in winter, how is that Cao coffin, now home to in the spring? But he was too busy to think about these details, just think of Sun shangxiang helps him, Guo Jia do? Solo pushed forward psychic mirror, the situation is now clear. Huang Tang, Lu BU, like Xian Lu Hong and a band of assassins ... Tan Shi Chong was defeated in his solo, Sun shangxiang's hand, is by no means an ordinary person. All the rivals all attacking Guo Jia. Without attacking Guo Jia! Solo, Sun shangxiang forward were clouded by the beam, they see the Xun Qi example, anyway can't fly through the beam on a single block. Guo Jia block behind Sun shangxiang is also cover solo. Kill Guo Jia, to control flies and Sun shangxiang. Air suddenly came roaring as wolves Lü long impregnable, cut like a halberd spin like windmills to Guo Jia. Red Ribbon up, caught by shocked hands of Guo Jia's hair. Diao Chan shot! Black hair red with stalemate. But a moment. Like a skilled assassin and real master, were able to seize that moment rips. Guo Jia appears to be best. He has to resist Lü BU, Huang Tang's attack, also to take into consideration such as shot, such as the seemingly gentle hand, Guo Jia Tan Shi Chong would rather put on three, did not want plus, such as Sen. Best under Guo Jia will have flaws, diao Chan caught the fleeting flaws, making the hands of Guo Jia's hair. Guo Jia's face suddenly pale as snow. They all see that cheap, that moment came to Guo Jia did not know how many attacks, even Lu Hong is blatantly coming, though he was blind in one eye, but increasingly wild, knowing that time is fleeting. Missed out this time, killing Guo Jia did not know the cows come home. One swallow the cold cut. Cold cut that was limp as Sen. Armed with cold cut when the attack, hesitation was flashed in the eyes just kill Guo Jia? Guo Jia at this terrible time, apart from Pale, actually had no intention to retreat? Fairy heart throb. Guo Jia no returns! Not only because of Sun shangxiang, flying behind him, but also because he and solo are known for this moment for a long time now, Miss, regardless of which want to reproduce again impossible things. Blow bang Guo Jia as the Thunder up close. Green fog. There was a green fog shocked transpiration and Guo Jia stood in deadly attacks, blue mist and then rushed to the Guo Jia's body. Take back, Guo Jia Sun shangxiang was hit heavily on the vest, will fly alone, Sun shangxiang to Ming Kum two step directions. And then there were four. Guo Jia hemoptysis. Flashed in her eyes could not bear to meaning, bleak light shining exceptions. Long sound. Green fog shocked broken down into seven hair, Ming Guangyao, seven hair under the light colors of the changing vicissitudes of displacement. Not a hair, sword! Seven swords together! Guo Jia to fight back!
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
Stealing Beauty Body Section 539 broken temporal
Cao coffin calling solo!
Solo, Lu Hong, while at the nether stone to hear as coming from "solo" word, are aware of the coffin came Cao.
Cao coffin will come, since he agreed to meet here solo, how will not come?
how can he come?
Cao coffin where?
Lu Hong the combined attack Guo Jia to be shot.
be sure to remove Guo Jia, or of his life at ease, but I heard Cao coffin sound projection to time, but it is hidden in the dark Lu Hong temporarily did not move.
he Cao coffin really unspeakable fear, he was prepared to look at the situation say.
Cao Lu Hong coffin can always pressed him one, not by surname Cao , but the real mind.
solo Nozomu Tamaki around the one, but could not figure coffin Cao, Cao gave up looking coffin intention, already fell from near the lute.
Shangxiang followed.
actually no blocking.
solo Weizheng , then come to understand, Tan Shi Chong, Xun odd this time never to die, Huang Tong, Guo Jia Riboud already have the first addition to the plans.
these people want to know how to find a pass from the Ming Qin Yunmeng secret , they hope to find through his solo Yunmeng secret places of passage.
only he can do it solo!
solo moment to think a lot, but never dreamed that he had set foot in the time since the Ming Yao Ming Kum suddenly glare, flash a stock Juli since he came back, he abruptly from the Ming to the place opposite the piano got me.
yellow tang, or Riboud stop him from approaching solo lute?
kind of Juli come very suddenly, did not have any solo preparedness, involuntary body inverted out.
everyone amazed.
air burst.
wind, thunder, plus a hint of springtime catkins anger surging endlessly.
triple collision between, Guo Jia actually be able to after turning two, solo rushing to lapse.
Even before Guo Jia, Shangxiang timely shot, grabbed the solo, emergency channel: "? how"
Shangxiang clear to see that no one solo shot, solo this time and will not put on a show to confuse the eyes and ears of others, he suddenly emerged so abnormal, and self-Ming Kum Do what?
solo backhand explore early psychic mirror will take in hand, anxious shouted : "Shang Xiang, go away!"
since the Ming Kum shocked separated a red brilliance, shining straight on the psychic mirror.
Guanghua foot tank thickness.
solo looks strange, he Shangxiang not loud reproach, and is nervous.
with the reaction between the mirror and the psychic self lute.
is not and should, but rejection!
just that he was carrying psychic mirror suddenly there came a wave of strange power, he abruptly pulled away from self lute. If simple to describe, like a magnet in the same direction as repulsive.
but since the lute and psychic repulsion between the mirror compared with ordinary magnets to repel more to be tough, and that makes his solo could not help but inverted.
According to Ge Fu who said, since this is Ming Kum Sisters thing, and also the Sisters Peng single thing to keep in touch.
psychic lens is sharp single family, is also seamless single-family use incense tool.
this calculation, from between lute and psychic mirror should not attract it?
that is how the eyes?
solo puzzled, but determining the repulsive force from the road after upload to the psychic mirror, saw that between lute and the psychic connection mirror light, how dare let Shangxiang approached?
he used seamlessly through time and space are nervous fear of accidents, if they are psychic mirror Shangxiang away to another time and space, he anyway are not back to make up for this sorry.
Shangxiang seen solo dignified, pulling up a heart, she knew not help solo, flying near to Guo Jia.
torch Jinmie.
since the Ming Kum Guanghua increasingly Mingyao, according to the people look different.
before Guo Jia solo block in the body, the hands of black hair turns wishful circled actually will Riboud, yellow tang attack exhaustively Dangxia.
under the yellow Tang Ji Gong, Guo Jia like to see push back like Yishan difficult, really do not know how this child have such toughness, and from where learned so clever sword?
is the sword!
that black hair and turns, but already reveals a dense sword Italy.
see Shangxiang help out, Huang Tong could not help but shouted: "If the immortal, and so we fight a lose-lose, you have what is cheap can be accounted for?"
as fairy flying to the party, told: "! kill Shangxiang" her command of the downward Diao Chan et al., himself a pro-hold Yan plans to cut Guo Jia!
solo felt behind the tragic war, but Wuxialikuai.
Cao coffin voice came again, "hold the mirror close to the psychic self lute, Suidiao time and space, I met you."
solo full face black line.
he will be in an instant psychic mirror changed direction, can only hope to produce attraction effect, but did not diminish the resistance front, beam covering almost his whole body, he also tried to hold psychic mirror approaching from lute, but after a step, you feel the pressure increased sharply.
Cao coffin let him close since lute?
before if Banke, solo did not feel any difficulty this task, but now only a step after know that it is almost impossible task.
long inhale, solo approached.
space under the piano from the Ming, there are waves like ripples in waves.
there started to have time and space like a whirlpool!
break time and space?
others Cao said puzzled coffin, coffin Cao solo but how many understand the meaning of the difference between him and Cao coffin more than a decade, this distance is not present in any of the world can be hauled.
Yellow Emperor can those people!
they have seamless weapon, abnormal cognitive space wise.
single seamless Hong Peng often use through time and space, he can contact and Sisters, originally handed down by the Yellow Emperor, who civilization break barriers of time and space.
he is now in solo with psychic mirror to remove more than a decade apart between him and Cao coffin time, to see where the space Cao coffin?
another step step, solo red in the face, the moment feels heavy in the hands of psychic mirror and mountains as if, Do not say forward, let him holding immune.
sonnerie space under the piano ripples is distorted.
What time do you get?
solo simply speechless, breath sharply Menheng sound further, front corrugated unrest is even more intense.
"solo, you can walk about seven steps." Cao coffin voice from space since the lute under pass over, increasingly clear.
solo almost vomit blood.
there razor Po Kong , Tan Shi Chong seen cheap, early flying solo took was discarded fire sword, sword to cut.
Xun also odd body roll on.
Tan Shi Chong chose a side solo, Xun odd but think from the light beam the assassination came through solo.
kill solo!
yellow tang and others on the life and death as well as solo hesitation, Tan Shi Chong, Xun odd choice if the two will definitely consider solo kill.
when the sound!
there the bright moon, blocking it is necessary in this sword, rushed to the front in the early Shangxiang Tan Shi Chong Shatui assassin, blocking the sword Tan Shi Chong, Tan Shi Chong also forced open.
but she knew too busy chasing cut the moment when the most important task to guard solo, this time to turn the blade chopping off Xun odd...
Xun Qi has to beam in.
abruptly howling sound, Xun anger odd spray of blood, since the light beam, such as shell-like ejection open, heavy hit on the stone walls, and so on down to the time already dying.
nobody Xun odd to see everyone looking at the mirror and psychic self-Ming Kam that the connection between beams of light, very afraid of Italy .
the light beam actually can not enter?
into the rebound will come out?
sonnerie piano now truly singular show up!
"Shangxiang, go and solo." Guo Jia shouted.
Shangxiang slightly startled moment, then back to the knife sheathed, bis palm push on solo vest. she heard Cao said the coffin, and then into the seven-known solo as long as everything will have an answer.
remaining six steps.
things are now, for they have no other choice but to Cao coffin follow orders.
Guo Jia as so commanded, is to help her and everything down a solo attack.
struggling to step forward to help solo, the salty Shangxiang the throat, feel the heartbeat like a drum, a blood almost spray out.
she finally know why solo pain.
front like a cross across the insurmountable natural moat!
her solo and together move forward, but actually goes a step further? step on the mountain and push hard and helpless like ?
since lute under the space immediately split a gap, which seems to be blossoming fruit trees, colorful leaves exposed the pink color.
solo found himself not only shifted the space, but also to move the time?
parallel Cao and his coffin same time operation, should now also winter fishes, that land where now Cao coffin will be how in the spring?
but he was too busy to think about these details, just thinking Shangxiang in to help him, Guo Jia how to do that?
solo pushing hard psychic mirror the forward for now the situation is clear understanding.
yellow tang, Lu Bu, Lu Hong, such as Sin plus and gang assassins... although Tan Shi Chong defeats in his solo, Shangxiang hands, can by no means ordinary.
All give all headed towards the rival Guo Jia.
can not but lead up to Guo Jia!
solo, Shangxiang front row were enveloped beam, everyone saw the odd lesson Xun, in any case can not through that light beam for solo obstruction.
Guo Jia get in Shangxiang behind, also protect the back solo.
kill Guo Jia, to control the solo and Shangxiang.
air abruptly came as howl like a roar, Riboud Jiugong high, rotating like a windmill-like Hercules Zhan Xiang Guo Jia.
red ribbon came, shocked Guo Jia hand wrapped black hair.
Diao Chan shot!
black hair with red deadlocked.
but Verge.
clever assassin and true master general, can seize the flaws that moment.
Guo Jia seems done everything.
he has to withstand Riboud, yellow Kuanggong Church, but also on the shot, such as Sin, Sin as seemingly soft shot helpless, can Guo Jianing can put on three stone Tan Chong, plus do not want, such as cents.
fully under Guo Jia will have flaws, Diao Chan to seize the fleeting flaws, fall upon the hands of Guo Jia black hair sword.
face instantly Guo Jia pale as snow.
everyone foes see cheap, that moment do not know how many attacks coming to Guo Jia, Lu Hong are even brazenly rushing, although he is blind in one eye, but increasingly the decisions based on fleeting opportunity to know. missed the scrapping Guo Jia did not know of these years.
there swallows cold cut.
the other end of the cold cut precisely limp walk as immortal.
as Sin cold hand shears to attack when it flashed Meimou color silk hesitate to kill so Guo Jia? Guo Jia in this terrible moment, in addition to pale, but actually not a cent going to retreat?
such as Sin heart throb.
Guo Jia can not back!
Not only because Shangxiang, solo behind him, but also because both he and solo knew this moment such a long time now, and then miss it, no matter which reproduce think are impossible to do.
as thunder like boom hit in the near Guo Jia.
blue mist filled.
there was a blue mist transpiration suddenly thrust into the sky with the help of Guo Jia blocking the deadly attack, then rushed to the blue mist Guo Jia's body. leveraging backward, Guo Jia heavy hit in the Shangxiang vest will actually solo lute Shangxiang again from the direction of advance two steps.
left four steps.
Guo Jia hemoptysis
, such as Sin eyes flashed wire bear meaning, shine as lights dim abnormality .
long howling together.
blue mist turned into a shocked exploded seven black hair, bright shine, seven black hair in Mingguang displaced under the vicissitudes of changing the colors.
not black hair, a sword!
swords together out!
Guo Jia to fight back!
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The 539th day break time toCao coffin in solo!Solo, LU Hong, stone to hear as the ghost came to the "solo" two words, all know to Cao coffin.Cao coffin will come here, since he agreed to solo meet, how will not come?How does he come?Cao Guanhe in?LU Hong was going to hit the shots.We must get rid of Guo Jia, or his life difficult, but when I heard the voice of the process to the coffin Cao, LU Hong is temporarily not stealth the dark.He has really unspeakable fear of Cao coffin, he was ready to look at the situation again.Cao Lu Hong he can always press the coffin of a head, not by surnamed Cao, but the real mind.Go look around one eye, see Cao coffin figure, gave up looking for Cao coffin to already fell on the piano ringing nearby.Sun Shangxiang followed.No one to stop.Solo micro Zheng, immediately come to understand, Tan Shi Chong, Xun Qi will never die this time, Huang Tang, Lv Bu was the first in Guo Jia's plans.These people want to know how to find the secret of Yunmeng by Ming Qin, they hope to find Yun Mengmi through his solo passage.Only he can do solo!Solo suddenly think of many, but never thought of when he set foot, Ming chin suddenly Mingyao dazzling, a flash from his waist back to Juli, he abruptly to the other place to pull Qin Ming.Yes?Huang Tang, Lv Bu or stop him close to the piano solo ringing?It is very suddenly to Juli, solo no preparedness, can't help the body inverted out.The crowd gasped.The air burst.The wind and thunder, plus a rage spring catkins agitation over.Three people can actually turn collision, Guo Jia had two people, come to solo rush.As early as Guo Jia before, Sun Shangxiang promptly shot, seized a solo, anxious voice: "how?"Sun Shangxiang clearly saw no one to solo solo shot, at this time will not confuse others and acting, he suddenly appeared as abnormal, what is the relationship between Ming and Qin?A backhand solo exploration, early psychic mirror takes in the hand, anxious shouted: "still fragrant, go away!"The ringing on the piano into a red light suddenly, as in a mirror. Straight.Guanghua foot tank thickness.Look strange to Sun Shangxiang solo, he is not a loud, but nervous.Between the mirror and the ringing guitars have the psychic reaction.Not to be, but to reject!He is just carrying the psychic mirror suddenly came a strange force, he abruptly pulled away from the self organ. If simple to describe, like a magnet to repel each other.But between the piano and psychic mirror self repulsion magnet to repel each other than usual to more powerful, it can not help but let him Solo -.According to Mrs. Koch said, this is the female organ self repair, repair is female and single Peng contact objects.Psychic mirror is a single weapon, is also a single use of non - fragrant tool.So now, since Qin and psychic mirrors should not be attractive?Then what's going on?Solo puzzled, but strength is determined rejection from a psychic mirror to upload, see the connection between the Ming Qin and psychic light mirror, how dare to let Sun Shangxiang come forward?He used no worry through time and space are always on tenterhooks all kinds of accidents, if Sun Shangxiang is channeling away mirror to another time, he is not in any case make up this regret.Sun Shangxiang see solo dignified, a heart pulled up, she could not help know solo, flies to the Guo Jia front.The torch out.Since Qin Guanghua pretty brightly and look different. According to the peopleGuo Jiadang solo in the front, the hands of the hair with spiral twists and turns, actually will be Lv Bu, Huang Tang attacks all blocked.Huang Tang Ji Gong, see Guo Jia back like mountains like hard, really do not know how this child has this kind of toughness, and from where the acquisition of such a sword?Is the sword!The hair twists and turns, but has a dark sword.See Sun Shangxiang back, Huang Tang unbearable way: "such as Xian, we fight each other, you have what can be accounted for cheap?"Celestial body and, said: "kill Sun Shangxiang!" her command is to Diao Chan et al., it is to cut out to pro Yan Guo jia!Solo feel behind fighting fiercely, but to care.Cao coffin's voice came again, "the psychic mirror close to self Qin, Suidiao space-time, I met you"Solo was black.He will change the direction of the psychic mirror in the twinkling of an eye, hoping to effect the phase, but the front resistance did not abate, almost covering his whole body light, he is also trying to mirror the impending self channeling organ, but in one step, feel the pressure increased sharply.Cao coffin let him near ringing?If a moment ago, solo did not feel what difficulties the task is, but now only in a step after that it is almost impossible to complete the task.Long inspiration to solo.Since Qin under the space, there are like water waves ripple in waves.Where the space and time began to produce a vortex!Broken space-time?Others don't understand the coffin Cao said, but how to understand the Cao solo coffin, coffin difference between him and Cao for over 10 years, the distance of the world can not any closer.That can help the people!They have no weapon, a good understanding of the space of the universe.Single Peng often use without incense through time and space, he can and female repair contact, was to rely on the civilization, such as the pass down from the time to break the barriers of time and space.He is now in a solo psychic mirror removal between him and the Cao coffin ten years apart in time to see where the coffin Cao space?Take two more steps,
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