我从不觉得渴望疼痛与被管教是一件怎样羞耻的事情,但是当我披上大学生辅导员这件外衣,平日里一本正经的开年级大会,交代工作,满口的XX路线,XX dịch - 我从不觉得渴望疼痛与被管教是一件怎样羞耻的事情,但是当我披上大学生辅导员这件外衣,平日里一本正经的开年级大会,交代工作,满口的XX路线,XX Anh làm thế nào để nói


他果然不太满意,我轻轻撇了撇嘴,其实我一边渴望着疼痛,一边却又惧怕着疼痛,但那种被控制被管束的快-感又深深折服着我,让我无法自拔,这也是我到现在都没有恋爱的原因,即便是一般的GAY 也算是比较好找伴侣的,可我不是一般的,这种倾向,怎么和自己男朋友张口啊!
作者有话要说: 无节操,写出来自己爽爽,本文纯属虚构,无半点真实故事还原!!
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
Sao chép!
I never think desire pain and was discipline is a how shame of things, but Dang I put Shang students counselor this pieces coat, weekday in Prim of open grade Assembly, account work, full of XX route, XX thought, collection report finishing information, openly of back with PPT, station in a all led before told students of right, obligations, responsibility, equal like of words, and get applause of when, I will think shame was. I is clear himself desire what, advocate what, if has a a people, he has mature of heart, severe of slap, he will in I made wrong of when with low of voice command I kneeling in he feet side, let I body light-nude, back gently playing with chills, he will with fingertips along spine has been sliding, gently to, is with maximum of oppression sense, I only see with he of feet, listening to he high of voice, "Know that is wrong? ” I sob of pray he, is cannot get he of forgiveness, cane will mercilessly of playing in I of hip-Department, muster a strips of stared blankly child, he will specification I of action, or is other of punishing-penalty, until I crying with begged for mercy to completed all of punishing-penalty, he will gently of comfort I, to I told truth, and why was punishment, or...... Simply parted my legs gave in! I side wants to with, not by of breathing rapid, loose of Pajama pants Xia propped up not small of tent, in I of imagine in the, that personal of face is fuzzy of, but he of action on seems real exists as, I involuntarily of made shame-shame of action, high of Alice up hip-Department, a only hand quick of took has very spirit of small baby, upper and lower--with, another a only hand is stretch to behind to beat with himself of hip-Department, Palm-slapped of voice stimulus with I of eardrums, front of things has more of hard, not of flow with saliva, I'm not complaining about its being in a low voice-yin, and stimulate small opening at the top of, and soon a blow as if in the mind of excitement came, I came out and slowly collapsed on the bed panting. But also filled with a sense of emptiness, everything is fake, I know sooner or later will be tempted to find someone to practice one day, sooner or later there will be a day! Free of when I and boarded has that didn't people know of trumpet, in this, in, I added has countless a Exchange Group, here has I real of side, is no I to find of people, not didn't and others Exchange had, but those, rarely has let I satisfaction of, most are is has has partner, but partner not circle people, so in online someone practice of main, I didn't want to to as of, I hope of that main, to completely of belongs to I, best he also is a GAY, but I and no courage to with people practice, Text and pictures only voice of addiction. A little to zero in the same circle said, I like this all my life to be found, a man afraid of? To become a sub! 他胆子比较大,有几次被打的走路一瘸一拐都是我给他上的药,然后他会和我说他实践的经历,比如那个主如何如何,长得帅不帅,下手狠不狠,比如好可惜啊他最后没cha我...... 他的经历刺激着我,我有时觉得自己是不是太机谨了,人家实践那么多次,不也没出事么? 这天有个群新来了一个人,刚一进群就改了自己的备注,我看见群昵称上,他那个明晃晃的主有些荡-漾,随手点开他的信息,居然是和我同城,当时并没有想那么多,只是沿袭着老乡见老乡,两眼泪汪汪的传统,首先发了个欢迎新人。 其实群里的人都有些疲了,平时也冷冷清清,并没有欢天喜地的聊,更何况这个还是我的小号,一直没怎么上过,所以和大部分都不太熟,这个时间短,除了我,都没有和那个韩打招呼的人。 “你是?” 他立马戳我私聊、 “恩。” 最近比较闲,我也有心情陪他玩这个,更何况刚刚幻想过,身体正处在饥-渴状态,我的兴-致还是比较高的。 “有主了么?” 他倒是一点也不内敛,直奔主题。 “唔......没有。” 我思索了一下,自己的确没有什么固定的主,一些文字上的主也好久不联系,连名字都记不得了。 “我们同城。\\\\\\\" 那边立马打字。 “so?” “试试?” 于是一个简单快捷的伪约-炮算是完成了,当时我真心没打算跟他认真,认真个毛线,今天晚上爽过了再说,反正忙起来我就不会有心情再发-情了。 “叫声主人来听听。” 他跟我发语音,吓了我一跳,但是转念又觉得,尼玛这声音真好听啊!一点也不蛮横,但是却不怒自威,主要是声音很低沉,很有磁性,简直不用看脸凭声音就可以撸一发了啊! 我夹着嗓子企图让自己的声音听起来温柔一点,青涩一点,而且明显感觉温度已经爬上脸颊 “主人......” 那边轻声咳嗽了一下 “再叫。” “主人!” 我又叫了一次,心里有些打鼓。 “再叫。” “主人......” 他每次声音都差不多,但每次给我的感觉又是那么不一样。 “记住了?以后叫错了你试试。” 原来是这个意思......我第一反应他有点大男子主义,不过简直正戳萌点!我喜欢完全操控我的男人,突然觉得今天晚上会有惊喜。 “我记住了!” 我连忙回答他,现在已经没有那么拘谨了。 “开视频” 那边命令道,我吓了一跳,不能暴-露啊!玩玩就好,认都不认识,谁知道这货是个什么人,可是好多主因为不开视频不实践这一点,就跟我进行不下去了,难得找到这么有感觉的,真心不想放过。 “能不能先不开?我们先语音文字照片?” 我犹豫的说出这句话,真怕他直接就不回了。 他沉默了一会儿,说 “害怕?” 我到是很坦诚的说 “有点,我都不认识主人。” “不过就这么一次,下次你最好做好心理建设,我会当面抽你。” 他居然没在意!我自然满口应承着,管他什么下次不下次,我一隐身不说话了,你还能怎么办? “有什么工具么?” 我听到他那里有些嘈杂,可能是他上-床的声音,回想我这里似乎真的没什么专业工具,把这东西放在家里看着也是种诱惑,更何况我租的房子也经常有同学来,让人看到简直百口莫辩。 “没什么专业的,衣架尺子什么的有,然后就剩一双手了。” “去把尺子拿来,发张照片我看看。” 我连忙跑出去拿尺子,那是个制图的塑料尺,有三十厘米,算是挺长挺厚的了,不使劲打不会断的。我努力找了找角度,希望拍出来可以显得尺子有威力一点,毕竟在照片上来看,以一个大男人的手劲,轻轻一掰就折了。 “太差,算了,以后见面再说吧。” 他果然不太满意,我轻轻撇了撇嘴,其实我一边渴望着疼痛,一边却又惧怕着疼痛,但那种被控制被管束的快-感又深深折服着我,让我无法自拔,这也是我到现在都没有恋爱的原因,即便是一般的GAY 也算是比较好找伴侣的,可我不是一般的,这种倾向,怎么和自己男朋友张口啊! “其实三十厘米呢,挺长的。” 我轻声嘟囔一句。 那边从嗓子里发出一种低沉的笑声 “看你以后犯什么错吧,这个玩玩可以,要真是罚,几下就折了。” 我吓得瞬间软了,掂量掂量手里的尺子,平时自己玩的时候觉得威力挺大的呢,这要是几下折了,那得打多狠啊! “把裤子脱了,先发张照片过来。” 我心知他什么目的,听话的褪下自己松垮的裤子,将手背到后面...... 我的皮肤偏白,而且不容易起红印子,这让我一直很郁闷,有时明明打的很疼了,却看不出来什么,不过他似乎对我的屁-股很满意。 “先打50下,我看看效果,开着语音。” 我觉得这人目的简直太明确了,连点那啥的前戏都不做完就要开始验货了,可是随他吧,反正下了网谁也不认识谁,在那个时候我还没想到自己能跟这个人狗血的混到一起,也没想到以后苦不堪言却又爽翻天的日子,我压根就是那种游击选手,打完一枪就跑的无影无踪,这么多年也没被人缠上,后来觉得,一直相安无事是没遇上极品,一旦遇上了,那真是甩都甩不开,稍不留意就得趴着睡觉,疼的龇牙咧嘴。 我把力道控制在自己能承受的范围之内,是我最舒服的状态,但是声音开得很大,啪啪的声音响亮的透过机械传到对面那个人耳朵里,打着打着,我觉得自己又有点兴奋了,不自觉的开始撸了起来。
作者有话要说: 无节操,写出来自己爽爽,本文纯属虚构,无半点真实故事还原!!
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
I never feel pain and desire to be discipline is a shame how things, but when I put on this coat Students counselor, normally open year seriousness Assembly, explain the work, full line of XX, XX thinking, collecting reports collating information, openly back to PPT, standing in front of a congregation leaders tell students the rights, duties, responsibilities, words like equality, and get applause, I would feel ashamed.
I know what I desire, advocating what, if there is a man, he has a mature mind, harsh slap, he'll make mistakes in my low voice ordered me to kneel at his feet, so that my whole body light - naked, back gently trembled with cold, he would have been slippery with fingertips along the spine, gently, but with the biggest pressure, I can only look at his foot, listening to his superior voice,
"You know what was wrong ? "
I pray for him sobbing, but can not get his forgiveness, rattan will mercilessly hit in my hip - section, a section of the shocked child muster, he would regulate my actions, or other correctional - Penalty, until I cried for mercy to complete all correctional - punishment, he would gently reassure me, tell me the truth, and why being punished, or ...... altogether greatly my legs apart, fiercely come!
While I was thinking, could not help shortness of breath, loose pajamas not hold up under a small tent, in my imagination, that person's face is blurred, but his actions just like real, I do not help out of shame - shame of action, high cocked hip - section, a deft hand and pulled out the spirit of the baby has been very up and down □□ forward, one hand behind him to shoot it out into the name of his hip - Ministry palm - slapping sound stimulate my eardrum, front things have been more and more hard and kept drooling, I do not live in a low voice groan - Yin forward, stimulate the top of a small mouth, and pretty soon one kind as if blasted flowers in mind irritation hit, I finally came out, slowly paralyzed in bed gasping for breath.
But this in turn filled with a burst of emptiness, everything is fake, I knew sooner or later will be tempted to find someone to practice, sooner or later there will be a day of!
Free time I boarded the trumpet that nobody knows, in this number, I added numerous exchange group, here are my real side, but not the person I'm looking for, is not never talked to others But those few to my satisfaction, mostly have a partner, but partners are not insiders, so the Internet to find someone to practice the Lord, I do not want that, I hope that the Lord, to finish completely full of belong to me, the best he was a GAY, but I have no courage to talk to one practice, only worked on the text and picture Voice addiction.
A man with a small circle of zero, I can not find my life like this, what a big man afraid of? Caesar also pregnant!
His courage is relatively large, was beaten on several occasions I gave him limping are on drugs, and I said then that he would practice his experience, such as the master how to be, handsome not handsome, ruthless start not hard, for example, he finally did not pity ah cha me ......
his experience to stimulate me, I sometimes feel that they are not too machine honor, people practice so many times, does not it did not crash it?
That day there came a group of new people into the group as soon as it changed his notes, I saw a group of nicknames, some of his shining main swing - Waterfront, readily point to open his message, it is actually my city , did not think so much, just followed the fellow-two tears tradition, first made ​​a welcome newcomers.
In fact, some groups of people are tired of, usually deserted, and not happily talk, not to mention this is my trumpet, has not been on how, and most are not familiar with it, the time is short, in addition to I have not, and that the Korean people greet.
"Are you?"
he immediately poked me whisper,
relatively busy lately, I have to accompany him to play this mood, not to mention just fantasy, the body is in the hunger - thirst state, my interest - caused quite High.
"Lord that?"
he did is not restrained, go straight.
"Well ...... no."
I thought for a moment that he does not have any fixed master, some of the main text on the Hao eventually becoming contact, even the names are not remember.
"Our city. \\\\\\\"
there flew typing.
" ? so ""
try "?
So a simple and quick pseudo about - gun be done, then I really did not intend to tell him seriously, seriously a wool tonight too cool to say, anyway, I would not be busy recurrent mood - love the.
"Call the owner to listen."
He told me a voice, scared me, but then I also feel, Nima this sounds really nice ah! Is not rude, but not anger from the prestige, mainly the sound is very low, very magnetic, simply do not see the face with a sound you can roll up out of the ah!
I tucked attempt to make their voice sounds gentle, sentimental little, but obviously feel the temperature has climbed up the cheek
"master ......"
over there coughed softly
, "then told."
I called again, and my heart some drums.
"Then told."
"master ......"
His voice almost every time, but every time I feel is so different.
"Remember? After you try to call the wrong."
This is the original meaning ...... My first reaction he sociable, but simply being poke Meng point! I love full control my man, I suddenly felt this evening there will be surprises.
"I remember!"
I quickly answered him, now not so cautious of.
"On the video,"
there ordered, I was shocked, not violent - Lu ah! Play like, recognition did not know, who knows what this stock is a person, but a lot of the main video does not practice because they do not open it, just like I carried it no longer rare to find such a feeling, really do not want to let go.
"Can not open first? Let's spoken word pictures?"
I hesitate to say that, I'm really afraid that he can not back.
He was silent for children, said,
I was very frank to say
"a little bit, I do not know the owner."
"But just this once, next time you'd do mental construction, I'll whip you in person."
He actually did not care! I promise the natural mouthful, control what he does next time next time, I did not speak a stealth, how can you do?
"? What tools are what"
I heard him somewhat noisy, it may be his last - bed of sound, in retrospect seems to me nothing really professional tools at home watching this thing is kind of temptation, not to mention I rent The house also often have students come, people see just one hundred fair hearing.
"Nothing professional, hanger ruler of what has, then got left hands now. " "
brought to the ruler, sent me pictures. "
I quickly ran to get a ruler, it was a drawing of a plastic ruler, three ten centimeters, be quite long very thick, do not fight hard not off. I tried to find a look angle, hoping to beat out may seem ruler has the power, after all, look at pictures in a big man's hand strength, gently breaking on the fold.
"Too bad, well, we'll talk later meeting."
He really is not satisfied, I gently Pieliaopiezui, in fact while I longed pain, while yet fear the pain, but that is controlled by the bundle of fast - sense and deeply impressed me, so I can not extricate themselves, that is what I now have no reason to love, even if it can be considered a general GAY relatively easy to find a partner, I'm not a general, this tendency, how and its own boyfriend mouth ah!
"In fact, thirty centimeters of it, very long."
I quietly muttered one.
There is emitted from the throat in a low laugh
, "see you later committed any mistake about it, this play can, to really punish, with a few folded."
I'm scared instantly soft, weigh the hands of the ruler , usually their own power play, when that big of it, which if a few off, that have to play more ruthless ah!
"The pants off, send photos come first."
I knew him for what purpose, obedient to their own loose trousers slipped out the back of the hand to the back ......
my skin is whitish, but not easy to play red marks on the child, which I have been very depressed, sometimes obviously playing hurt, and did not see anything, but he seemed to me fart - share very satisfied.
"First hit at 50, I look at the results, driving a voice."
I think this person is simply too clear purpose, even the point that what is not done before the show to begin the inspection, but with him, anyway Under the network who do not know who, at that time I did not expect to talk to the idea that this man mingled together, did not think of the future but cool earthshaking miserable day, I never was the kind of guerrilla player, kick shot ran without a trace, so many years have not been entangled, but then I have been at peace is not the case of the best, if met, then it is not thrown are thrown open, a little attention have tummy to sleep, pain grimace in pain.
I took control of the force in the range they can afford, is my most comfortable state, but the sound was very large, loud pops through mechanical spread across the man ears, the name of the name, I feel a little excited, I do not consciously start line and up.
"Typed up? Send photos over again."
His voice always makes my heart unsteadily, too have feelings, but to see him for a photo inexplicable bit guilty, because I totally useless what strength, can be imagined behind will not be too red, I try going against the light took photos made ​​in the past, it really is not very red.
"I did not force."
He finds a, I have nothing to say.
"Actually, I forced myself well."
I hastened to smile apologetically,
"hard up? must not touch."
FML! I am happy to own the line and he actually know, I turn to listen to the voice repeated several times, there is no line and pipe the sound ah.
"If it is in front of me, I will directly pumped soft hands will be punished."
My heart illegal channels, but you do not have this opportunity hey!
"I like reality, only the voice and pictures can not satisfy me, do not let me wait too long, and that the owner is not white called a few times."
I am a little surprised, his rhythm is to end up?
Author has to say: unchaste, write your own Shuang Shuang, this article is purely fictional, without the slightest reduction true story! !
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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
I never felt eager to pain and discipline is a shame how things, but when I put on college counselors, as the coat, ferial the seriousness of the open of the year the general assembly, to explain their work, a mouthful of XX road XX thought, collect and report data sorting, openly back facing the PPT, standing in front of a public leader speaking, students' rights, obligations and responsibilities, equality, such as word, and applause when, I will feel ashamed. I am very clear what I want, what to advocate for what, if there is a person, he has a mature heart, severe slap,He will when I make a mistake in a low voice command I knelt at his feet, let me light whole body naked, spine gently shivering, he will with your fingertips down the spine has slipped, gently, but with the heaviest oppression feeling, I can only look at his instep, listen to the voice of his lofty,
"knowing is wrong?"
I whine and pray for him, but cannot get his forgiveness, rattan will mercilessly hit in my hip, summon the strips of stare blankly son, he will my action specification, or is other punishment and penalty, until I cried for mercy to complete all the punishment of penalty, he will gently appease me, give me speak the truth,And why it is being punished, or... Simply to separate my legs, hard to come in!
while I was thinking, not by the shortness of breath, loose pajama bottoms to prop up small tents, in my imagination, the man's face is fuzzy, but his action like real like, I couldn't help but shame shame movement, high tilt of the butt part, a deft hand pulled out has been very spirit of the baby,]] A, another hand is stretched behind flapped his butt department, palm slap sound stimulated my eardrum, in front of what is increasingly hard, don't live of drooling,
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