enum_relay String
LOC_SECT_NAME_1 no particular sect
LOC_SECT_NAME_5 beggars
LOC_SECT_NAME_10 Mingjiao
emerald LOC_SECT_NAME_11 smoke
LOC_K_TEAM ranks
LOC_K_ITEMTRADE transaction
LOC_K_FN_NONE no school
LOC_K_FN_CUIYAN Green smoke
LOC_K_INFO_BULLETIN announcement
LOC_K_PR_BROTHER relatives N
LOC_K_PR_MATE spouse N
Relay closed LOC_U_ERROR_ON_SHUTDOWN error.
LOC_U_LOAD_AUCTION_FILE_FAIL auction module reads the configuration file failed!
LOC_U_INIT_AUCTION_DATA_FAIL initialization data failed to kill
LOC_U_FAIL_TO_OPEN_AUCTION_DB open auction database failed
to kill the task database failure LOC_U_FAIL_TO_OPEN_KILLER_DB open
LOC_U_ERR_IN_KILLDATA_FORMATTODATA program there is hidden, reports a programmer, in KKillerData :: FormatToData
LOC_U_RELAY_ALREADY_RUN has S3Relay still running.
LOC_U_RELAYGUARD_ALREADY_RUN detects RelayGuard running, and start the Relay is dangerous! N So even do not want to run Relay now!
LOC_G_AUCTIONSUCCESS% s% d of the higher price in order to take the items, the auction ends
LOC_G_AUCTIONSUCCESSTOWINNER Congratulations on a successful bid of the article
LOC_G_AUCTIONSUCCESSTOOWNER% s with% d best go higher price items, please pick up the money within a specified time
LOC_G_AUCTIONSUCCESSTAKEMOENYFAIL you do not pick up the money in time, the system discards
LOC_G_AUCTIONSUCCESSTAKEITEMFAIL you do not receive the items in a timely manner, the system discards
LOC_G_AUCTIONCHEATER% s during the auction items through the transfer of cheating, is a liar
LOC_G_AUCTIONFAILCONTINUE your article this auction fails, already into the next round of auctions,% d hours% d minutes% d seconds after the start
LOC_G_AUCTIONFAIL your item auction fails, collect items
LOC_G_AUCTIONJOINFAIL the article bidders reached the maximum, you join failure
LOC_G_AUCTIONJOINFAILNOMONEY highest price of the current article% d, your body enough money, you can not join the bidding
LOC_G_AUCTIONBIDDERHIGHEST currently the highest bidder is% s, bid % d ounces of silver
LOC_G_AUCATIONQUITFAIL you are the highest bidder, not the introduction of the auction
LOC_G_AUCATIONQUITSUCCESS% s out of the auction
LOC_G_AUCTIONSUCESSGETMONEY auction items that you receive the money, after tax is% d pence
LOC_G_AUCTIONFAILGETITEM receive your auction items failed
to submit a piece of your success LOC_G_AUCTIONSUBMITSUCCESS auction items, the reserve price of% d,% d increase in units
LOC_G_RR_ROLE_DEL role% s has been deleted.
LOC_G_MP_BETRAY% s renegade division door!
LOC_G_MP_KICKOUT_1% s to% s out the door division!
LOC_G_MP_KICKOUT_2% s of your out the door division!
LOC_L_CW_SIGNUP bid gang:
LOC_L_CW_KICKOUT_TONG bid was eliminated gang:
LOC_L_START_ARENA_ERROR contest prerequisite (target cities Schedule / on a contest) Error ...
Error ... LOC_L_ARENA_RESULT_RECORD_ERROR Arena Record result
LOC_L_ARENA_END gang Challenge Cup is over.
LOC_L_START_CITY_WAR_ERROR StartCityWar Error ....
LOC_L_END_CITY_WAR_ERROR End City War Error ....
LOC_L_ILLEGAL_TAX_RATE Illegal Tax Rates .... N
LOC_L_SET_TAX_NOT_PERMITTED set Tax not Permitted !!!
LOC_L_KILLER_CREATE_TASK create a task task ID =% d =% s creator being chased The total time people =% s system of rent =% d =% d =% d bounty
LOC_L_KILLER_ACTIVE_FAILURE state transition task ID =% d =% d total time remaining time =% d Active-> FAILURE
LOC_L_KILLER_ACTIVE_CLOSE state transition task ID =% d total time =% d time remaining =% d Active-> CLOSE
LOC_L_KILLER_CLOSE_FAILURE state transition task ID =% d =% d total time remaining time =% d CLOSE-> FAILURE
LOC_L_KILLER_SUCCESS_DELETESIGN state transition SUCCESS / FAILURE-> DELETESIGN task ID =% d total time =% d remaining time =% d
LOC_L_KILLER_CANCEL_TASK canceled task task ID =% d =% s creator slain =% s =% d total time remaining time =% d =% d canceled by bounty =% s task status =% d
LOC_L_KILLER_GET_TASK receive the task task ID =% d,% s = recipients,
receiving money LOC_L_KILLER_GET_MONEY task ID =% d pick up the money type =% d pick up the money amount (before tax) =% d
LOC_L_TONG_MSG gang [% s]:% s
LOC_L_TONG_DISPATCH_MONEY gang [% s] to all send money: the elders of the% d; recruited by the% d; Hong Lord of% d; Bangzhong% d months respectively; send money:% d% d% d% d, total % d
LOC_L_TONG_DISPATCH_MONEY_OL gang [% s] to send money online: Presbyterian% d months; recruited by the% d; Hong Lord of% d; Bangzhong% d months respectively; send money:% d% d% d% d, A total of% d
LOC_L_TONG_CREATE_FAIL_NAME_1 gang creation failed: gang name issue 1
LOC_L_TONG_CREATE_FAIL_NAME_2 gang creation failed:% s gang name Question 2: long% s
creation failed LOC_L_TONG_CREATE_FAIL_NAME_3 gang: gang name Question 3: the main fact gang of the same name or the same name or the same name as the% s gang Union % s
LOC_L_TONG_CREATE_FAIL_MEM gang creation failed:% s% s memory problems
LOC_L_TONG_KICK_MEMBER gang kicking:% s kick% s!
LOC_L_TONG_KICK_MEMBER_CWS gang kicking: siege warfare state:% d
LOC_L_TONG_KICK_NOT_ALLOW_IN_CW gang kicking: During the contest or not kicking during siege warfare!
The number of gang LOC_L_TONG_TOLOAD_TONG_COUNT to be loaded:% d
LOC_L_TONG_UNFOUND_UNION_HEADER alliance members leave the error: Can not find the chief! ! !
LOC_L_TONG_LONG_0 gang gang war led to changes in experience; the victory of the gang:% s, failed gang:% s!
LOC_L_TONG_LONG_1 victory gang former rank% d,% d experience victory gang original;
the original gang LOC_L_TONG_LONG_2 fail grade% d,% d failed gang former experience;
LOC_L_TONG_LONG_3 victory gang now rank% d,% d now experience the victory of the gang;
LOC_L_TONG_LONG_4 fail gang now rank % d,% d failed now experience the gang;
LOC_L_TONG_LONG_5 [GM Operations] appointment [% s] was gang [% s] the main fact!
LOC_L_TONG_LONG_6 [GM Operations] appointment [% s] was gang [% s] Bangzhu success!
LOC_L_TONG_LONG_7 [GM operations] is set gang rating of% s!
LOC_L_TONG_LONG_8 [GM operations] is set gang experience% s!
LOC_L_TONG_LONG_9 [GM operations] is set gang rating of% s! Successful operation
LOC_L_TONG_LONG_10 [GM operations] is set gang experience% s! Successful operation
LOC_L_TONG_LONG_11 [GM operations] is set gang [% s] members [% s] the time to help:% d year% d month% d Day!
LOC_L_TONG_LONG_12 [GM operations] is set gang [% s] members [% s] the help of time:% d year% d month% d Day! Successful operation
LOC_L_TONG_LONG_13 [GM Operations] mandatory dissolution gang [% s]!
LOC_L_TONG_LONG_14 [GM Operations] forcibly disbanded gang [% s]! Successful operation
LOC_L_RR_SAVE_FAIL save information Error players friends!
% S: LOC_L_RR_SAVE_FAIL_2 save Players friends information Error
Error% s when LOC_L_SCRIPT_0 included (Include) script file.
The number of parameters passed LOC_L_SCRIPT_1 script command TaskSetMode wrong!
The number of parameters passed LOC_L_SCRIPT_2 script command TaskSetStartDay wrong!
LOC_L_TASKCENTRE_0 next run time:% d!
LOC_L_TASKCENTRE_1 next run time:!% d month% d day
LOC_L_TASKCENTRE_2 Loading timed job setting file failed:% s !!!!!!!!
LOC_L_TASKCENTRE_3 Loading timed job setting file failure, serious problems !!!!!!!!
LOC_L_TASKCENTRE_4 Loading timed job settings file:% s
number LOC_L_TASKCENTRE_5 scheduled task:% d
LOC_L_TASKCENTRE_6 scheduled task% d:% s, number:% d
LOC_L_TASKCENTRE_7 Clear timed task:% s task set number:% d has been the number of executions:% d
LOC_L_TASKCENTRE_8 add regular tasks through script instructions directly:% s
LOC_L_TASKCENTRE_9 timed task initialization parameter setting success:% s
. LOC_L_TASKCENTRE_10 load the script file% s Error, please check the syntax
LOC_L_TASKCENTRE_11 cron job script file load failed:% s, serious problems! ! !
LOC_L_TASKCENTRE_12 uninstall all tasks!
LOC_L_TASKCENTRE_13 get script command message sent, unloading a task:% s
LOC_L_TASKCENTRE_14 the Timed Task Name:% s
LOC_L_TASKCENTRE_15 set time task running time:% d% d minute when!
LOC_L_TASKCENTRE_16 the present time is:% d% d minute when !
LOC_L_TASKCENTRE_17 today does not run: time too!
LOC_L_TASKCENTRE_18 next run time:% d:% d% d!
LOC_L_TASKCENTRE_19 next run time:% d month% d day!
LOC_L_TASKCENTRE_20 set time task runtime error:% d% d when% d minutes seconds !!!!! !!
LOC_L_TASKCENTRE_21 set time interval tasks between multiple runs in normal mode:!% d seconds
LOC_L_TASKCENTRE_22 set the interval timer task multiple times daily between runs:!% d days once
LOC_L_TASKCENTRE_23 set the timer mode multi-month mission Interval between runs:% d mo!
LOC_L_TASKCENTRE_24 set time task execution times:% d!
LOC_L_TASKCENTRE_25 set time mission mode:% d, mode 0: normal mode, several times a day; mode 1: once every few days ; Mode 2: once every few months;
LOC_L_TASKCENTRE_26 set the timer task start date wrong: Month parameter error% d months
LOC_L_TASKCENTRE_27 set the timer task start date error:% d day date parameter error
LOC_L_TASKCENTRE_28 set the timer task start date:% d month % d day
LOC_L_TASKCENTRE_29 perform regular tasks:% s
LOC_L_TASKCENTRE_30 tasks script error% s!
LOC_L_TASKCENTRE_31 perform scheduled tasks script error:% s! ! ! ! ! ! !
LOC_L_TONGCONNECT_0 Bangzhu pass Adults: passed% s, siege warfare state:% d!
LOC_L_TONGCONNECT_1 Bangzhu pass Adults: siege warfare pass-bit operating lock!
LOC_L_TONGCONNECT_2 Bangzhu pass-bit:% s to accept pass-bit! Siege warfare state:% d!
LOC_L_TONGCONNECT_4% s and you lift the buddy relationship.
LOC_L_TONGCONNECT_5% s and you lift the marital relationship.
LOC_L_TONGCONNECT_6% s and your loved ones to lift the relationship.
LOC_L_TONGCONNECT_7% s and you lift the relationship
LOC_L_S3RELAY_INIT_ALREADY Warning: S3Relay has started!
LOC_L_S3RELAY_INIT_START S3Relay- started!
LOC_L_S3RELAY_INIT_FAIL FAIL: S3Relay failed to start!
LOC_L_S3RELAY_LOGIN_FAIL FAIL:! *** *** Account password wrong
LOC_L_S3RELAY_UNINIT_START S3Relay- begin to close!
LOC_L_S3RELAY_UNINIT_FINISHED S3Relay- shutdown is complete!
LOC_L_S3RELAY_UNINIT_RUNTIMER_FAIL FAIL: Failed running time record!
LOC_L_S3RELAY_UNINIT_SHAREDB_FAIL FAIL: shared database shut wrong!
LOC_L_S3RELAY_UNINIT_OFFLINEMSGDB_FAIL FAIL: Close offline database error message!
LOC_L_S3RELAY_DISCONN_RELAY_ROOT S3Relay: Links RelayRoot is disconnected -
LOC_L_S3RELAY_DISCONN_GS_CHAT S3Relay: connection disconnected GameSvr chat -
LOC_L_S3RELAY_NOTIFY_TO_STOP Relay services will be stopped! N Make sure the gateway and RelayRoot are turned on, n and check the login password when the account is correct.
LOC_L_S3RELAY_INIT_SCRIPT_FIAIL FAIL: startup script module error!
LOC_L_S3RELAY_INIT_NC_CHECK_FAIL FAIL: failure to check through the card!
LOC_L_S3RELAY_INIT_HEAVEN_FAIL FAIL: Start Heaven module error!
LOC_L_S3RELAY_INIT_RAINBOW_FAIL FAIL: Start Rainbow module error!
LOC_L_S3RELAY_INIT_CHNLMGR_FAIL FAIL: Start chat channel module error!
LOC_L_S3RELAY_INIT_FRIENDMGR_FAIL FAIL: Start Friends module error!
LOC_L_S3RELAY_INIT_ROOTCLIENT_FAIL FAIL: to establish a connection with RootRelay Error -
LOC_L_S3RELAY_INIT_GATEWAYCENTRE_FAIL FAIL: start the gateway connection management module error!
LOC_L_S3RELAY_INIT_GATEWAY_FAIL FAIL: the gateway to establish a connection error -
LOC_L_S3RELAY_INIT_HOSTCENTRE_FAIL FAIL: Start the game world server connection management module error!
LOC_L_S3RELAY_INIT_SHAREDB_FAIL FAIL: Open the shared database error!
LOC_L_S3RELAY_INIT_OFFLINEMSGDB_FAIL FAIL: Open database error messages offline!
LOC_L_S3RELAY_INIT_MASTER_PRENTICE_FAIL FAIL: Open mentoring database error!
LOC_L_S3RELAY_INIT_ROLE_DB_FAIL FAIL: the role of the library to establish a connection error!
LOC_L_S3RELAY_INIT_RENAME_DAEMON_FAIL FAIL: initialization renamed service error!
LOC_L_S3RELAY_INIT_RENAME_DAEMON_OK OK: initialization renamed service success!
LOC_L_RELAYSRV_START_FAIL FAIL: relay service - failed to start!
LOC_L_HOSTSRV_START_FAIL FAIL: game server connection service - failed to start!
LOC_L_CHATSRV_START_FAIL FAIL: chat service - failed to start!
LOC_L_TONGSRV_START_FAIL FAIL: gang Services - failed to start!
LOC_L_TONGSET_INIT_OK gang module - successful initialization
LOC_L_TONGSET_INIT_FAILED FAIL: gang module - Initialization failed!
LOC_L_TONGSVR_NEW_CONNECT gangs service - and ip:% s to establish a connection.
LOC_L_TONGSVR_CLOSE_CONNECT gang Services - closed and ip:% s connection.
LOC_L_TONG_CREATE_ONE gang - [% s] record
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
